TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". November 21, 2008 Tipster Rednimer
[YT] JJ was speaking Singlish instead of the way Indians from India speak…
Indians from India would not understand what JJ was trying to say..
JJ try harder!!
[YT] 艾莉丝 <3 <3.
[YT] I and you best in here~~
[YT] Do Re Mi~哈哈~
[YT] 還故意唱走音
[YT] wang cai hua make jj lin pai seh sia…
[YT] LOL JJ “我也想红啊” XD
[YT] 學印度人講英文,笑死-0-
[YT] Does anyone know tian cai chong cong cong’s last episode ?
[YT] The purpose is not to sound like INDIANS. He was meant to sound funny is you watch the simpsons you’ll get what i mean
[YT] i love jj and his new album!!
[YT] 阿信真不賴嘛!九題獲勝!
[YT] 阿信怎麼那麼可愛啊!
[YT] probably something like “go to hell”
[YT] I like JJ’s version better than Renee!
[YT] lao ye hui lai le?! so cute JJ.
[YT] JJ,你已經很紅了
[YT] what did 怪獸 say for 最毒婦人心 in the first place?
[YT] JJ is the best ever XD `
[YT] 自己去找吧
[YT] y do u care
[YT] jj soo funni & cute! (:
[YT] jj song funi & cute!! (:
[YT] JJ was speaking Singlish instead of the way Indians from India speak…
Indians from India would not understand what JJ was trying to say..
JJ try harder!!
[YT] 還未到她啦…
[YT] 還未到她啦..
[YT] hahahha so funny
[YT] =.=我想問楊丞琳去左??
[YT] aznzergx 那又關你什麼事呢? 說我是個”外行人”, 那你呢? 你是”內行人”嗎?
如果她是HK歌手的話 她的唱功是算很不錯, 可是你說台灣歌手裡面, 這句話, 她自己聽到都心虛.
p.s. 你有很懂嗎??
[YT] lol 你个外行人在这边乱评论. 你听得懂吗你?
rainie唱功在台湾歌手里面算很不错了. 金钟那次是因为她不在状况, 太紧张或者感冒.
她基本功蛮好的. “拉长音”也没什么问题. 听不懂不要乱评论.
[YT] soga… thanks
[YT] wei jian is from singapore
[YT] Commercial film
[YT] i love both JJ and rainie 😀
[YT] 艾莉丝 quite funny
[YT] Ashin is so so so so cute luh!
[YT] gigi 很烦。有这么想赢吗?
[YT] 是有點像
[YT] JJ so funny~
[YT] a bit is enough, at least she’s trying and enjoying! So shut up, stupid idiots!
[YT] yh, as u said “a bit”
p.s. i never said im gd ok?? n if i am or if i think i am then i’ll be a singer
[YT] masa’s english is not bad!!
[YT] 是有那麼糟嗎?
[YT] she’s a bit better than you two are willing to admit.
[YT] at least it’s pretty funny
[YT] darrick go!!
[YT] JJ.
[YT] what is the vulgar he said?
[YT] 狀聲詞…嘰嘰叭叭
[YT] ok, thx
[YT] it’s kinda unfair for d new singer he wei jian..he also release album but no chance for him to sing..=[[[
[YT] 靖伦很没有节奏。。。
[YT] i like wong choi wei~ she is so cute =D
[YT] JJ的表情好好玩XD
[YT] 白雲好可憐@_@
[YT] lozzzz NONO didn’t come///-_-.//
[YT] 黃靖倫key抓的不是很好……
[YT] 為什么廣告是CF?
[YT] 我粉喜歡她演戲, 唱歌也還好…
[YT] what’s the name of the second song?
[YT] lolx…lmao..jj
[YT] 楊丞琳唱功還真爛, 歌唱超小聲的…
[YT] JJ is the best!!!
[YT] JJ是不是跟周定緯有像?!
[YT] 掌聲…= = 無言
[YT] [caocao]曹操 哈哈 笑死了
[YT] 不潮不用花錢
[YT] wads the jj song at the end?
[YT] haha baiyun raise the chair then wang cai hua smack him in the face lol
[YT] aww dun have nono i wan see the white glove again
[YT] JJ so cute~!
[YT] 靖倫 你已經很紅了啦
[YT] shi tou hair is funny
[YT] Ah Xin damn funny man.
[YT] the lyrics are so funny!!!
[YT] 哈哈哈
[YT] 王彩樺唱得很有味道!
[YT] OMG, JJ is too funny, 白羊座的活潑都出現了
[YT] 天團的歌 當然會唱拉
[YT] JJ 好棒!! 真好聽!
[YT] 蔣小花!!!
[YT] 黃靖倫這首唱的滿好聽的耶~
[YT] 哈哈!黃靖倫也會唱五月天的歌耶!
[YT] 天才衝衝衝有沒有By2的那一集?