天才衝衝衝 2013-11-30

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80 thoughts on “天才衝衝衝 2013-11-30

  1. The 目中无人 thing is crap, they cheated and nothing was done to it……i don’t believe nobody on the set noticed it. Even if they did, probably nobody had the balls to be the bad guy especially with 乃哥 and the producer liang in the other team. And this is a bullshit thing since this show is more of a game show than other variety show that occasionally plays games.

      • I know i was not on the set….but apparently after watching it for a second time, i think that they noticed it….but nothing was done and as i mentioned it was 默默悄悄的帶過去. I say this in a perspective as an audience and of course if i were in their shoes(i am assuming u mean the artistes that went for the show), i might not be so willing to step out and say because even those more senior ones are already keeping mum about it. But then again surely the floor director or the producer would have enough power in their respective appointments to step in and intervene especially since it has no 笑果 at all. You can see that everyone including both teams of artistes appear to express awkward expressions and body language perhaps i could not comprehend the reason as i was not on set but i attributed that to the fact that someone blatantly cheated and everyone just close one eye so everyone was awkward and don’t know how or what to say in response. Perhaps you were right i will have to be thinking from their viewpoint but then again i am saying it as a member of the audience and if something is not right, i think that i would have to say it out rather than keeping it mum and making me question the validity of the rules and the objective behind playing games without rules and the credibility of the various appointment holders on set with the power, seniority and responsibility to intervene and who (i cannot say enough) did not.

        • sad to say but i still have to use this sentence.你文法又錯一堆了…. ” your english really sucks bro!! LMAO (laughing my ass off) right now cause i really cant understood what the fuck are you talking about dickhead… if you find it hard to describe everything in english just simply because you were already out of words, well you might just shut up instead. or prefer the option 2…type everything in chinese character so you wont have a hard time squeezing your brains out just because you are a stupid motherfucker at the same time we as readers wont have lots of question marks above our heads wondering what the hell you’re talking about!!its a win win for a stupid vs readers who are brainy and have a high grade in iq

          • I just wanted to argue my point in a objective manner but i guess that you apparently have some serious issues with me or whatsoever.

            Firstly, I have to remind you that my reply was directed to Kayla response to my comments. Whether my long paragraph gives you a terrible headache or not, it does not matter to me and i would kindly advise you to stay away from our “conversation”.

            Secondly, this is the internet, a place where special web acronyms and abbreviations are used. If you had been on the english speaking scene on the Internet for quite a while, you would have noticed that people used the most abbreviated way to express their viewpoints and I and you are of no exception. Did you ever come across the thought that someone else may had some difficulty understanding your English at some point in your life ? Different geographical and socio-political factors also played a part in our expression and understanding of the language itself.

            Perhaps you were right that I may have incorrectly structure my words but I do not see how one of such a standard to criticise me cannot even comprehend my point. Is my english really that poor, or is it the other way round ? That is why I took extra caution to make sure that my use of the english language this time meets your standard.

            In any case, I have to say that much needs to be improved in your use of the language as well. There appears to be several grammatical mistakes in your comments which I believe you can identify yourself since you claimed to be a species of a higher order by calling me an idiot.

            Furthermore, I will like to make it clear to you that I am not trying to pretend to be an american who can speak english. I am bilingual and by no means are restricted to publishing my comments in a single language. Perhaps, you might be surprised to know that I am not even educated in American English( I am educated in British English and Chinese Mandarin). Thus, by implying so, you are just directing your personal hatred of American English imposters onto me, which to me, is unjustified and clearly uncalled for. One reason I use english here is because the Internet and the QWERTY keyboard is obviously more suited to typing English letters as opposed to Chinese characters. If you really want me to express in Chinese, you can come and find me, I would be more than happy to converse in Chinese with you.

            Lastly, I do not want to be involved in the argument below and please kindly do not drag me into it. On a sidenote, both of you should argue with a justification and not by simply laying a lump on assumptions about me and saying what you like based on your own assumptions which are unfortunately untrue. On a personal level, may i enquire both your proficiency level in English so as to better know where my standard lies ?

          • why should i stay away from this conversation when this is public place where everyone can shout their hearts out! u are really such an idiot,kid. and after reading your reply to yoyo ma and me with the same sentence,paragraph and words. i can now confidently say your english is really such a crap. mind you that i have to drag your name is because just like the one below, your iq level and english proficiency also needs some improvement. but there is something pop to my mind now, that you and below are the same person ,that no matter how u disguise yourself its still easy for me to figure out because u express the same english

          • just saying that you don’t have to read it if it gives you a terrible headache. I mean if the construction sounds in a public place gives you a headache, shouldnt you just stay away or do you scold the whole construction staff when it doesnt even concern you and u can just walk away. And apparently you have contradicted your own point that my english sucks beyond comprehension by simply replying. Guess it all adds up now to me, u all r just directing your hatred of that guy below to me under the various aliases because u all tink that i m the same person. What a joke for u to even talk to me about IQ when u cant even differentiate whose talking. For starters, looking at the timeframe, i din even bother u guys below. U and the so called 林北 came after me and start critcizing me for GOD KNOWS WHAT FUCKING REASON, man. I was simply replying the responses to my comment. AND along came the duo and now SO ANGRY want to join in the threesome with absolutely the same writing style. Don’t have to create three aliases to attack me because u cant even overcome an idiot alone ???!! If u will calm down and look back, u guys r the one that came n criticise my style of writing, i mean u all can do that; dis is a public place. But u all have no Fucking Balls and for goodness sake u guys should get a life instead of trying to shoot down every fucking guy in dis comment board. quoting from u guys “sad to say” the time u all posted the comments just betrayed the fact dat u guys r the same person. Fight me to the point one on one, dun just reuse and recycle ur points again and again. And whatever u like to assume, i will leave it up to ur boundless imagination.

          • 不要臉 british english? my god! is people nowadays are boundless shameless creature just like prokia? cant imagine if people nowadays are all like you man.criticize is c-r-i-t-i-c-i-z-e 好吗?its not size we are not talking about size here man! what a crooked english! 不是我要管你好不好 而是我们统统看不下去了 才会纠正你 好心没好报! 混帐东西 没教养的人

          • OH man, u got it all wrong with so angry! Perhaps following a guy with just rage doesn’t really work out for u. He needs time to tink and process and not get so angry. Better luck next time when trying to agree with someone ! Criticise is British English btw. Check it out ! Improve ur knowledge ! Good for you ! And JIAYOU for a better English ! With all due regards, prokia ur friendly debater.

          • criticise also accepted, u mean u dunno, u r the one that have poor english. and if u really need to find a shameless creature, look for one in the mirror man. If i am shameless as u have described, u r just as shameless if not even worse.

          • And btw if u say u r trying to 纠正 me ?
            take a look at this :
            看了你上面的description just make me pissed! pretending to be an american who can speak english just like the one below! another idiot has resurfaced, who also cannot construct a meaningful english sentence.your long paragraph just gives me a terrible headache because your verb use in incorrect form, thus i cant understood at all what the hell are you trying to imply!

            If yoyo ma had stopped at his/her first paragraph, i would have agreed wif u. U tink dis is 纠正 ? And dun play parents by saying people no 教养.
            U c u have again make the fatal mistake of 对人不对事, ur whole argument is full of it. Fight me point to point and stop making baseless accusations and personal attacks when u cannot muster enough brain juice in u to even come up with a simple argument.

    • 真的。看了這個節目以後,你會佩服城哥。比起乃哥他真的有修養多了,也不會對女人趁機。kudos 城哥!

      • 何止。。城城真的是個好人。去看衝衝衝的臉書,很多人討厭乃哥甚至要製作單位把他開除掉

      • 雖然是個遊戲 但常常城哥被出賣。如徐乃麟 不讓他的隊友講出幾個字,許常德常常讓乃哥隊贏 甚至阿建老師一連兩個禮拜對乃哥隊提出提示

      • I mean u can say that’s just a game but if in a game nobody follows the rules then what’s the point ?

        我知道妳的出發點是好的,可是如果遊戲沒有規則,那根本就沒意義了, 特別是遊戲節目而不是一些談話節目扮的遊戲環節,就更應該有罰必罰。

        If today, they flout the rules to 做梗 or perhaps breaking the rule makes it funny, then i don’t think I really mind and u can probably say its just a game and why so serious.

        But the fact that this was a blatant 2X breaking of the rule and nobody tried to disqualify them and people even praised 張文綺 for saying a key point when apparently that is cheating makes me think that it’s bullshit.



        Thanks. And i argue my perspective in a objective manner and i hope that nobody thinks that i am making a personal attack on anyone. And that people can be understand where i am coming from.

        • first,allow me to enlightened u just like what i have done to someone here for there is no such word as can be understand but can understood haha

          看了你上面的description just make me pissed! pretending to be an american who can speak english just like the one below! another idiot has resurfaced, who also cannot construct a meaningful english sentence.your long paragraph just gives me a terrible headache because your verb use in incorrect form, thus i cant understood at all what the hell are you trying to imply!

          • I just wanted to argue my point in a objective manner but i guess that you apparently have some serious issues with me or whatsoever.
            Firstly, I have to remind you that my reply was directed to Kayla response to my comments. Whether my long paragraph gives you a terrible headache or not, it does not matter to me and i would kindly advise you to stay away from our “conversation”.

            Secondly, this is the internet, a place where special web acronyms and abbreviations are used. If you had been on the english speaking scene on the Internet for quite a while, you would have noticed that people used the most abbreviated way to express their viewpoints and I and you are of no exception. Did you ever come across the thought that someone else may had some difficulty understanding your English at some point in your life ? Different geographical and socio-political factors also played a part in our expression and understanding of the language itself.

            Perhaps you were right that I may have incorrectly structure my words but I do not see how one of such a standard to criticise me cannot even comprehend my point. Is my english really that poor, or is it the other way round ? That is why I took extra caution to make sure that my use of the english language this time meets your standard.
            In any case, I have to say that much needs to be improved in your use of the language as well. There appears to be several grammatical mistakes in your comments which I believe you can identify yourself since you claimed to be a species of a higher order by calling me an idiot.

            Furthermore, I will like to make it clear to you that I am not trying to pretend to be an american who can speak english. I am bilingual and by no means are restricted to publishing my comments in a single language. Perhaps, you might be surprised to know that I am not even educated in American English( I am educated in British English and Chinese Mandarin). Thus, by implying so, you are just directing your personal hatred of American English imposters onto me, which to me, is unjustified and clearly uncalled for. One reason I use english here is because the Internet and the QWERTY keyboard is obviously more suited to typing English letters as opposed to Chinese characters. If you really want me to express in Chinese, you can come and find me, I would be more than happy to converse in Chinese with you.

            Lastly, I do not want to be involved in the argument below and please kindly do not drag me into it. On a sidenote, both of you should argue with a justification and not by simply laying a lump on assumptions about me and saying what you like based on your own assumptions which are unfortunately untrue. On a personal level, may i enquire both your proficiency level in English so as to better know where my standard lies ?

          • sad to say but no matter how hard for u to took extra caution just so u can let me understand what the heck u r talking about. still there are lots of mistakes in your reply,it seems u just wasting your time because it doesnt improve at all,so u r still using a qwerty thats y u find it hard to write in chinese?how pathetic lame excuse. i may using ipad right now but i find it terrible easy to write in bilingual

          • Fuck where do u fucking live, man. U think in ur fucking hellhole its easy to write in chinese…everywhere is fucking easy. Get out of ur well and take a look at the outside world man. The world wide web is created for english users so is the computer. It is of course difficult to type in any other script including Chinese Arabic, Hangul and many others that dont invovle alphabets. For the start, i dont c u write in chinese and u fucking got the balls to tell me its terribly easy to write in bilingual. Double post one in chinese and english den tell me whether its easy or not. I tried to reason with u but u come and talk dis cock wif me. Would you Fucking point out my mistake n stop going in roundabouts!?? I highly doubt u will find one there and if u will show me. Dont understand what i say, ask ur teacher or check up a dictionary, man. Dont come wailing to me n ask for help for a few simple english phrases that u had seen people use for the first time. Pretending to not understand what i say doesnt hide from the fact that the truth lays just in front of you. And sad to say, you just simply cant accept the truth.

          • 我看你才是井底之蛙吧。現在繁體字那麼好寫 你還不會這讓你是可憐蟲 可憐到極點。。你看我不是寫給你看了嗎?是你該離開你所謂的世界吧。如果沒搞錯的話你應該是鄉下人吧。連世面也沒看到 想必 連城市 也沒踏過吧。可憐。。我是臺北人OK 而且也畢業台大的所以我的英文比你好得哆。我之所以用英文跟你溝通 因為你好像已經到了以為自己英文很好的程度才會如此大膽和不要臉跟人溝通 雖然你的文法錯了一大堆。該領悟的時候總要領悟好嗎?不要那麼固執認為眼前你看到的都是對的 不是說 沒有人是完美的嗎?但很遺憾的是那所謂不完美的人而且問題有一大堆的是你

          • U got it wrong again ?!! When would u ever learn ? Didnt i told u previously, u r always making baseless assumptions and using it to formulate ur unjustified arguments. So what if u r 台大, do 台大equate to a better english standard, i dun tink so. Maybe people in 台大 do have reasonably high IQ but i dont seem to get that impression now dat i have seen its alumni with such flawed arguments. 好寫 doesnt mean i have to write as i had pointed out and u simply could not read.

            Assumption no.1: accuse me of trying to pretend to be an american
            Fact no.1: I make no attempt in my language to sound American

            Assumption no.2:Thinking that 繁體字 is very easy to write for everyone
            Fact no.2: Its not without the proper programs and hardware tools.

            Assumption no. 3: 台大 equates to better english standard

            Fact no.3: Dont even require a fact, explains itself

            Assumption no.4 : magically imagine that i have said this or imply this :不是說 沒有人是完美的嗎?

            Fact no.4: I did not mention such a statement.

            Assumption no.5: thinks that i live in the rural areas or i had never step foot in a city before.
            Fact no.5: I live in a city state with a much higher english literacy rate than yours but that does not enable to say my language standard is higher than yours. However, in this case, i m allowed to do so seeing how u failed to draft a proper english paragraph.

            Lastly, i do not understand how u come up with such baseless assumptions. Use ur brain n tink dun just shoot ur mouth off at others.

          • for the record im not making a false accusation against u at all. so since u want me to answer my assumptions with basis therefore i will start from the very start

            u must be using the oldest, vintage cheap gadget inspite of we are already living in a contemporary era that is why u find it so fucking hard to answer things using a qwerty keyboard with trad chinese or else u must just born yesterday so u still have to adapt for quite sometime for u to figure things out

            im not accusing u at all to pretend like an americAn. admit it or not u just want to be showoff from the very start just because u think u got good, correct english.or else u shouldnt be that hypocrite answering people with english since u know people watching this show are fluent in chinese! got what i mean? who the hell will watch a show like chong chong chong if they cant understand a word at all so therefore i conclude u are a haughty creature who wants to prove to other people that unlike them u got good standard in terms of eng

          • this fight have started since yesterday yet its still running.what the hell is going on with u people nowadays? maybe all of u might want to check in a so called happy place where all cuckoos stay together can make a friendly debate!

          • Finally making an reasoned argument after so many attempts ! I should answer u.

            I am definitely not using the latest hardware. I am still using a desktop last bought in 2007 and that is definitely hard for me because unlike SOME( i mention some) of you who have the strokes of characters on ur QWERTY keyboard and other available tools that i sincerely do not know of. Its comparatively more difficult to write in Chinese than in English for me. I dont see how and why i cant prefer to write in english especially so when there are others who can read in my english and reply to it. My cheap gadget may be inferior to urs in some way like no WI-FI or Bluetooth connection but i dun c why i must b restricted to one language.

            “im not accusing u at all to pretend like an americAn.” and “pretending to be an american who can speak english just like the one below! ” from another yoyo ma 2 days ago. I cannot be so sure about what u say, man. Unless u can tell me u guys r two different guys, perhaps? I think that my rebuttal to the first point explains it all: its just more difficult to write in chinese for me alone, can ? I mean i tried in my first few posts but it was way too tedious to do so. And for goodness sake, ur conclusion r just wrong. Do u know why i tell u to get out of the hole in the previous few posts ? That’s because in my part of the world, English is a given as a First language and whether u r good in ur Mother Tongue Language as well will make people give u a whole new different look or impression. Because that’s when u r truly bilingual in our sense. From what i know about ur country, correct me if i am wrong, taiwan or ROC, it seems to me its the other way round from which i can understand ur despise or hatred for those that u tink r trying to show off. I have briefly touched on the topic of socio-political and geographical landscape that shaped us differently. Trad Chinese is the official Script of ur country and standard chinese is the official language of ur country. But in my country, mandarin is just but one of four official languages. Given that the socio-political landscape of my country, chinese mandarin and its dialects namely Cantonese, MinNan and Hakka is discouraged upon in official ceremonies and even on TV and radio. Given that, we are often not constantly exposed to Chinese and ease of usage of Chinese on the web is kept to a minimum whether in terms of hardware or software. Furthermore, since people around u, like ur friends don’t even know any chinese software programs or any tools or whatsoever, we cant easily ask friends to recommend whatever tools to help us out since they do not have any idea in the first place. If we were to go online, it will be disheartening to know that some of the tools like the write pad only exports or ships to the Greater China area. I do not belong there and it is quite of a hassle to do all those and therefore being a rational guy on the net, i will stick to english and not chinese unless someone genuinely don’t understand.

          • just passed by not so angry or the other one, but i think u should be thankful instead because they just think your english need improvement

          • this fight have started since yesterday yet its still running.what the hell is going on with u people nowadays? maybe all of u might want to check in a so called happy place where all cuckoos stay together can make a friendly debate!especially u prokia, a hard headed coward person! u might want to have some tranquilizer

          • wow thats rude. u are telling us to get out of your well but on the contrary u must be the one residing in that shitty place. bet u dong have an android phone at all nor ios gadget! maybe u dont even know what iphone and ipad is or cant afford to buy one because youre poor haha. or else its really easy to type trad chinese nowadays because unlike using laptop. its kinda hard because u still have to download software. oh by the way what is chinese arabic? when did arabic and chinese invented a new wriitng character?haha lmfao!sorry but although i already consulted my teacher as well as my high end dictionary like oxford,fareast i still cant find teh right words to understand what the hell your talking about because your grammer is really out of this word, my teacher even said why there is someone as stupid as this person i am replying now even exist in a world we are living?haha sometimes u just simply have to accept your mistake the problem with u is u are so stubborn!

          • U can call my place whatever u like, shitty place or whatsoever but i can imagine u will be awed and overwhelmed by the grandeur and splendour of my place when u come to visit it. Yes, for once ur assumption were right ! Finally after getting it all wrong ! I do not have a android gadget nor an IOS gadget. All i got is my NOKIA phone with no camera and a Desktop that is not WI-FI nor Bluetooth enabled. I don’t c why i have to change my desktop which i last bought in 2008 since it’s in perfect working condition. For my phone, i have it for work security reasons I m definitely not rich but if u were like to say that i m poor or whatsoever, i will gladly let u make this assumption because relative to ur wealth, i cant determine whos poor and whos rich. Maybe i m poor in ur eyes but u r kind of materialistic to judge people like this. Of course there is a reason why i only have those two and since i have those two do u agree, its difficult to write in chinese ? Chinese, arabic i left out a comma and that’s my bad.

          • if i were u just compromise, say sorry and everything is gonna be alright. keeping the fight alive will not makes u a better person. it just helps u to open to more enemies? so why cant u just let go

          • If u will take a look at the posts and u will c who is the mad dog that comes barking down my throat and the fact that if he had used a nicer tone right at the start to correct my english, i would have do what u say. But u just dun get the point, if i just scold u liddat, lets c whether u can just sit back n say sorry to me.

            f i were u just compromise, say sorry and everything is gonna be alright. keeping the fight alive will not makes u a better person. it just helps u to open to more enemies? so why cant u just let go

          • 我也是路过 真的看不下去了。。但你的文法真的超烂。所以建议你当中国人好了,不要再用英语, 真的是丢脸丢到家了

        • ok so im not taking sides for anyone’s here.for i domt think there is a necessity at all. first i really find u too outspoken 2nd u might want to change the habit first of sticking ur nose in someone else business before u said this to another person, u should also take some time to look at teh toilet bowl first how u look like before u judge the other person appearance. whatever happens in the show, did sam cheng intentionally let go hsu nai lin or he was just coward to say it out loud in front of hsu nai lin’s face u cheated blah blah blah, this is not the right place for u to express ur thoughts esp if u r sensitive to other people’s opinion. u should know from the start not all people will be please with ur gestures as well as your opinion thats why there is a term such as debate invented long long time ago. this is a public place where people like u can also express their opinions and take it against u,bear in ur mind son. if u just cant live without expressing ur damn feelings, all i can say u might want to consider to buy urself a diary so u can record all ur activities as well as ur perspective rather than doing some fights here as if all of u are just a 3 year old kid! u are already a full grown man so pls stop this fight and let all of us have some peace here. if u stop talking then fights will def cease but if any of u wont give in, another week might

          • Finally, someone who fights me point to point and with reason ! I welcome people like you to say and debate about me. I agree with u that mayb i had been quite outspoken but u c, what yoyo ma and the others had said was purely launched as a personal attack with no intention or whatsoever to disagree or to even rebutt my point. I cant stop people from commenting back against me but to such losers that were making personal attacks below on a so called Lao Wai start to take their hatred to me. That become a whole new different ball game. I mean u can always make personal attacks lined in between what u want to express because words always carry emotions. But what i c from them is just attacking me with pure emotion and no reason nor any logic. To this, i of course cannot accept. And ur first comment highly reeks of that as well. If u guys were like to say my english sucks, I beg u all to tell me whats wrong with it. Guys, I beg anyone to come forward and tell me whats so sucky about it. U guys keep on say the same thing but nobody even got the balls to correct it and just lay pure emotions on it. I argue with points and not on pure emotions based on unjustified assumptions. For once, someone comment; goodsamaritan second comment finally showed reason and logic to which i m delighted to rebutt.

            On a sidenote, u guys seemed to misunderstood my point of asking him to stay away from my “convo”. One reason is mentioned above; he is just arguing without any reason or logic. U can say arguing for the sake of arguing in another way. Thats why i called for him to fight me point to point. Which in later arguments, he finally relented slightly. Another reason why i ask yoyo ma to please kindly stay away in a yet so polite tone of FUCK OFF is because he say “your long paragraph just gives me a terrible headache”. Thats why i even use an example in case u guys dun understand “just saying that you don’t have to read it if it gives you a terrible headache. I mean if the construction sounds in a public place gives you a headache, shouldnt you just stay away or do you scold the whole construction staff when it doesnt even concern you and u can just walk away.” I used this example in one of my previous posts in case u haven noticed it. I welcome u to post something that is directed to them as well after reading on both sides of the argument.

        • over yet u all are still dwelling here. i am not making a personal attack here for i dont know u nor anything bout u at all just want to be a middle person so at least we will all live in peace. lastly i want to say ur english really sucks so i hope u will improve urself so there will no longer be thread for those people who wants to correct u lol!

      • Because that phrase is Nai Ge’s catchphrase. The phrase was used a lot in Kang Xi Lai Le during an episode where everyone was trying to imitate Nai Ge

          • oh so it seems like u speak good english duh?! i dont see any reason why you should be care of someone else’s business. go fuck yourself instead… you cant ever speak english u hostile asshole.maybe there is no person in the world loves you that is why u cant see the good in every people…pathetic yoyo ma. is that what a english scholar should name himself? just come back when u r done reading your english 101 textbook!!

          • Whoa…… calm down man. You’re the one being super hostile here. “thanks for enlighten me” IS wrong grammatically. You’d have to write “enlightening me” for it to make sense, because “enlighten” is a transitive verb.

            I’m not the guy who commented earlier, but do you really not know who Yo Yo Ma is? You should probably google that name. Yo Yo Ma is not an English scholar, but he is a household name.

          • for god sake what is wrong with u people? are you nuts?! you can also used the word enlighten! for your information enlighten is a verb not a noun! there is nothing funny about except for stupid people! for people have doubts, you can type the word enlighten in google and see for yourself!dickhead

          • I said it was a verb, but it’s a transitive verb, meaning it needs an object to make grammatical sense.

            Ex: “I care enough about your shit grammar to enlighten you of the correct use of the word ‘enlighten'”

            Ex: “Thank you for caring enough about my shit grammar to enlighten me of the correct use of the word ‘enlighten'”

            Ex: “My dumbass self felt enlightened by your immense knowledge of the English language. Thank you for enlightening me.”

            Hint: to enlighten, for enlightening.

            You’re welcome.

          • i dont give a fuckin shit of where the hell the name yoyo ma derived! i just dont see any fuckin reason why my english seems to be absurd when my british friend can understand me at all, maybe you are also one of those chinese or taiwanese need to go to language school to improveyour english just like those guest in this show who cant speak straight english! like yaoyao sounds familiar? maybe your batchmate?or i guess u should meet her so u can both discuss your english word of the day

          • 抱歉but do you really not know is also a wrong sentence structure but it should be dont you really know 五十步笑百步

          • What…? “Don’t you really know who Yoyo Ma is” makes no sense at all.

            “Do you really not know who Yoyo Ma is” = 你真的不知道馬友友是誰嗎?

          • enlighten means guide means 指点 ok? maybe because u dont know what that fucking word means thats u why you think other people’s english are suck! did u just passed your kindergarten english exam?or u just made a fool out of it? perhaps like 城哥说 你的毕业书也是买来的

          • 你文法又錯一堆了…. ” other people’s english ARE suck” ???? LMAO what the fuck are you talking about dickhead… 你是老外的話 我就是你爸了

          • wow i was so amazed when i learned that taiwanese are rude buddies! good for you! now i know why philippines are not apologetic at all after the fisherman’s mourn… i dont see any reason why people in taiwan should be proud aside from most of them have bad english to which they did not feel ashamed at all to show it worldwide how stupid taiwanese was in terms of english even they now labeled as celebrities who got the taste of fame, 2nd it is not a country but only a piece of island thats why phil pres said to a former interview, he rather apologize to country like china,ours, rather than hk and taiwan..pathetic. you should look in the toilet bowl for sometime because you didnt come that far nor will way to go or excel

          • I’m sorry but I think I know what the word means LMAO, and please look at the grammar again before saying I’m wrong.

      • ya…i agree…except only for Xia YuXin….and the fact that 張文綺 thinks that she’s damn good when i feel that she’s not, pisses me off even more.!!

      • i c but seems like 除了第一位 又同样说出 形容这个(人)很嚣张。 还有夏语心 真的只是说嚣张,梁赫群 和乃哥作弊。在确认的时候 两个把 人 这个 keyword 除掉了。you can go to part 5 directly to confirm if u dont believe in me

          • are you sure because i slow it down and looped it several times and i m pretty sure he said 人 on the first time then when it is time for them to repeat both 梁赫群 and 乃哥 auto censor off their 人. I am 80% sure that he say 人 from both his 嘴型 and the sound. Although i can understand why u had such a misunderstanding.

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