天才衝衝衝 2014-03-22

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

71 thoughts on “天才衝衝衝 2014-03-22

  1. 科科 留言的一集比一集精彩。。。至少希望大家罵完后。。通體舒暢、神精氣爽,繼續生活吧

  2. 嗯 有個小朋友

    他講不過道理就只好罵人 中文說不過人就只好撂英文


    自我感覺良好皆因 “i graduated from boston!” (笑)

  3. For all those people wondering, where did i learn my english cause my english skills have always maintained at the top, i graduated from boston! Thats why never in my life i had told someone sorry i cant understand what youre talking about

  4. Your pain is my pleasure! U cant call happiness a happiness not unless it was built on the top of the adversity of someone! And thats when happiness comes in. 把幸福建筑在别人的不幸或痛苦之上才是真正的幸福与快乐

  5. First i just wanna say people who think this show is funny must have already out of their mind..this show is only telling us how stupid are those celebrity is. They only got fame via doing crazy acts in the publc

  6. part4(10:26)乃哥猜到“人肉搜索“的时候那位头顶西瓜盖假发的女生又是用手敲桌子又是挤眼睛,呵呵

  7. 白雲瘦了之後變得有點自戀 你看他part 6 – 7:02 手在幹嘛? 雖然瘦了會有代言 但形象扣分仍然是油腔滑調

  8. I dont know if its the headache im feeling right now is the culprit why i felt tonight’s episode is boring or simply because its really boring…

          • 是邊看邊寫啊 不可以哦?難道這也是你的領域是不是?每個人都可在這邊發表意見吧。你不爽幹嘛?那邊涼爽那邊去。白癡

          • you will only understood what i used to mean,and for all i know you are not yet proficient enough to read my comments above. cause you still need some time to practice your english

          • 說真的 那一大段很多語法錯誤 人家只是稍稍抱怨下(用中文哦) 您這邊突然就拋出大篇蹩腳英文 我不知道您到底是中文不好呢 還是英文

            一邊說 no offense 一邊罵人白痴


          • 搞不清楚狀況的話 讓我一一告訴你好了。 白癡是罵你的。 while no offense 是顯然奉送給別的想讀的人。

          • 我語法錯誤?應該是你從來沒聽過那些字眼的原因吧, 很顯然你英文只懂得abc 狗咬豬

          • 噗 正是因為您詞彙少句式簡單 幾句老生常談才廢了大段口舌

            我並不覺得您之前刷屏評論有什麼不對 但這後面又裝逼又罵人實在沒必要

            然後真的 英文有待提高(笑)

          • 你也未免太白痴了吧?把我当做像你一样的人吗?我才会分身术吧 上个礼拜中国与台湾的争执是因我而起的。也是我挑拨的可惜你一点也不知道。。。把我当做是好好先生 其实大部分都是我写的 你们都蒙在鼓里 被我卖了还帮我数钱?台湾跟大陆有够笨的。还为我骂得偏低鳞伤,我都爆笑了。。。我只是以生日的名义,事实上我生日还超久勒。而且我之所以要在这边毫不掩饰得骂你们是因为我要deactivate 我的户口了。也就是说不再跟你们这些白痴沾上边。。你们要讽刺就尽量 欢迎欢迎 因为过了明天 我的发表可能不存在了。。。对了沈秦也是我 你们知道吗?哈哈 笨蛋!!!但是别担心 我会再回来的 以其他的名义重出江湖, 我只是要沉淀一下 老子忙完了一些事后再度跟你们玩。要乖哦。。。。不要想我。我只是在你们转身的一个距离

          • 你是你 我是我 人狗殊途。你的人生也未免太悲剧了 惨到要来这里找存在感。耍嘴贱无所谓,可是拜托别乱用别人的名义。

          • 不用了 我倒是会怀念你的。因为你离死亡不远了

          • 笑?應該是水準不好吧?聽都沒聽過!跟這些藝人一樣 長那麼大了 英文還是爛?真不知你們上課時 是否都是在打槍?不然學英文 怎麼學到膝蓋里去?難怪台灣永遠的不到獨立!永遠不會成為國家?全世界都看不起你們 連三國菲律賓 在背後 嘲笑你們

          • 壞念頭瘋子多,為何還假借abc 的名義?你就是 likahokeith 嘛 不然幫他辯解幹嘛?吃飽撐著是不是?愛讀不讀 隨便你啊!不讀就跨過好了,發表什麼意見??真的雞婆的人越來越多。

          • 我跟你熟嗎好像不需要跟你們解釋什麼吧。。吃飽閒著的話 可以再找 上個禮拜那些 罵台灣 罵大陸的人啊。 不要找上我 因為我很忙。 沒時間跟你們耗!但還是必須跟你們說聲謝謝。。因為的卻你們的一件讓我改觀了 終於一些事情讓我徹底的了解 人真的是最喪心病狂的動物。。

          • you don’t need any shit cause you already are LOL

            curious though how can you survive in the real world with that attitudes, AND your bad English XD

          • 說自己很忙卻一直在這邊回 假ABC 英文soso 在那邊show off 看了就顧人怨

          • you know what…just get the fuck out of here… you really think your english is good? my ass….

          • 難怪你上個禮拜被罵得焦頭爛額,就是因為你太雞婆啦。今天是恁爸的生日 我想怎樣 就怎樣。你管不著。being an outspoken person had been my wish ever since. Yet because i always give shit of other people opinions thats why i just kept everything to myself and it really makes me feel bad.And since today is my birthday. Speak my thoughts is something i will comply from this day forward. Just like everyone else, i want to have the audacity to articulate how i felt. cause just recently i tend to realized 2 things,,, 1st being outspoken is one of my non-negotiable characteristic and so i cant as well as will never compromise this unique character of mine that makes me stand out and easily recognize from the clan. 2nd no matter how hard you try to please people, u just cant simply please everyone. so whether this characteristic is an upside or downside is a feast or a dirt in people’s eyes, still i am proud to tell everyone i have already embraced it gladly and started to be feel good about myself. At least i got the guts to expose my real colors to everyone just because i am a spontaneous person.

          • No offense once again. Just speaking my mind. Everyone are entitle to do so, and so are you

          • 对啊 我就是喜欢分开来讲 这样才够刺激啊,顺便让我衡量一下你英文懂多少

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