女人我最大 2013-07-03 22k小資女特別企劃! 省錢又美麗妝髮

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Tipster Rednimer

6 thoughts on “女人我最大 2013-07-03 22k小資女特別企劃! 省錢又美麗妝髮

  1. would u please tell me what is the brand that Shaio kai teacher use on the girl who had a puff eye… thx

  2. 立雯介紹:
    1. 妝前霜-Integrate
    2. 眼部遮瑕膏-BeautyMaker
    3. 睫毛膏-Kiss me
    4. 超防油眼線膠-Solone
    5. 腮紅-Canmake
    6. 粉底遮瑕膏-娜拉兒

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