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46 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-04-25 好友爆料大會 Kid Eason”
puahahhahahahahahhaha, when KID scare Xiao Zhu, his reaction super big~~~
last ep, alot of 網路螞蟻 talk shit about 小豬, i just wanna say 小豬跟娛百是共存亡, 你可以把小鬼 蝴蝶 其他人換掉 小豬還是可以把娛百撐起來 coz he did before with 大小S, 還有一些parttime的 before they found 小鬼. BUT U CANT REPLACE 小豬
theres not such thing as and irreplaceable person. anyone in this show is replaceable. each host has their own fanbase, and if some one is replaced, the show will just lose that one hosts’ fanbases’ views. it can still survive. just like when Barbie and Dee Hsu left the show. so don’t assume show luo is the hero here. he isn’t. not hating on anyone, just stating a fact.
well thats cause he hasn’t left. i’m saying this hypothetically, that is, if he DID leave one day, (who knows what’ll happen in the future), this show can continue airing without him.
LOL! your arrogance here is so reflective of Luo’s style too. Listen, this show wasn’t made for Luo, he’s free to leave anytime and the world will still go around. When S sisters left, how many thought the show would just plummet? Well, it didn’t. That’s the rule of the game, new will always replace the old. Luo is nothing special.
puahahhahahahahahhaha, when KID scare Xiao Zhu, his reaction super big~~~
难道说他被整被吓就是他回到从前?那也太可怜了吧! 想想我以前是因为谁才开始看娱百的, 在娱百他一直都是不计较形象的, 他创作的角色令娱百争色不少, 现在你们一直否认他的努力也太残忍乐, 他主持有他的一套!
那些年我們看過的小豬 TAT
Yay! My favourite circus member is Eason.
蝴蝶應該很怕eason會自己說出名字來, 在後面搖頭而且不敢搭話XD
eason 和 kid 是最不做作的艺人
circus 真得很怪咖的團體 哈哈 每一個團員都瘋瘋得超high
last ep, alot of 網路螞蟻 talk shit about 小豬, i just wanna say 小豬跟娛百是共存亡, 你可以把小鬼 蝴蝶 其他人換掉 小豬還是可以把娛百撐起來 coz he did before with 大小S, 還有一些parttime的 before they found 小鬼. BUT U CANT REPLACE 小豬
theres not such thing as and irreplaceable person. anyone in this show is replaceable. each host has their own fanbase, and if some one is replaced, the show will just lose that one hosts’ fanbases’ views. it can still survive. just like when Barbie and Dee Hsu left the show. so don’t assume show luo is the hero here. he isn’t. not hating on anyone, just stating a fact.
heres the fact, if hes replaceable like u said, then he would have already been replaced.
well thats cause he hasn’t left. i’m saying this hypothetically, that is, if he DID leave one day, (who knows what’ll happen in the future), this show can continue airing without him.
Are you implying that his hosting is so bad that he should be kicked out whenever there is a chance/choice?
LOL! your arrogance here is so reflective of Luo’s style too. Listen, this show wasn’t made for Luo, he’s free to leave anytime and the world will still go around. When S sisters left, how many thought the show would just plummet? Well, it didn’t. That’s the rule of the game, new will always replace the old. Luo is nothing special.
豬蝶還不錯, 豬鬼整個就好像惡學長和弱學弟, 看得好憋扭
主持的節奏跟前幾集差好多 沒有再把重點放在自己身上
沒有搶鏡頭 感覺親切好多 特別是鼓勵EASON 那一段
這集很好看 !!!
我是覺得可以問出一些更有趣的吧 當中有很多我覺得可以深入問的也沒有
而且節目就很像 我家也有大明星 只是換了一下內容
如果節目是保持在開場討論的那個氣氛及模式 會更好看
再深入的話 過往的私生活就曝光 不是每一個人都是聖人 都有過暗的一面
既然不知道 就當沒發生過吧
hahaha easons gonna die when they watch the replay
小豬被嚇的畫面太好笑了 n.n
好勁爆 太好笑了
這一集好看的原因, 是因為小豬變回以前的模樣, 蝴蝶可愛, kid和eason精彩。
this is all pre-recordered I doubt he has seen all these comments.
他們的確有人氣 但在各個領域還不算太紅
我也很喜歡他們 只是說一下自己的觀點喔 !!!
this ep. is hilarious!!!!!!!! love it
豬蝶變得蠻有默契的優 ~~~~ 這及KID 跟EASON 還沒看就知道會精采!!!