娛樂百分百 2013-06-24 百分百小巨蛋 黃鴻升

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89 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-06-24 百分百小巨蛋 黃鴻升

  1. I don’t know what you guys think, but I still feel that xiao gui should stick with his initial genre which is rock. I’m a fan of his and I’m not against anything of him doing the dance type. I just think that the rocker type of singers are disappearing or should I say they are the minority so it’s kinda rare to have rockers that suit someone so well and he definitely have a higher chance of creating his whole new standing. No offense, just my thoughts.

  2. 是我的问题还是小鬼的发型跟小猪以前的一样?是一个发型师吗?

  3. This episode is so perfect!! There’s ZhuDieGui, Xiao Gui singing all the songs I love and singing with Nick and Hu Die <333

    PS. Xiao Gui's singing improved so much… I was enjoying his songs so much!! Continue to Jiao You!

  4. 05;42時流程應該是蝴蝶要說大人碰風可能小豬擔心蝶兒說出口網路會被批評攻擊,所以幫蝶兒說出口,以至於小鬼笑那麼開心大聲,

  5. I had been looking forward to this episode because I though that Xiao zhu could probably try dancing Xiao gui’s song with him or surprise everyone by already knowing the dance like he did once with lollipop f. At the beginning I was disappointed but I guess it was for the best Xiao zhu did not attempted to dance he probably did not wanted to upstage Xiao gui, He did not even show his muscles to compete with xaio gui, he saw really nice in this episode ( better if he would be his mischievous self but like I said maybe he wanted it to be all about Xiao gui today).

    • LOL yeah Show was really nice in this episode very low key . .but about not wanting to show his muscles maybe he was afraid that if pull up his sleeve he would accidentally reveal his new tattoo.

    • I don’t agree that he would upstage Xiao Gui, maybe for his own songs yes, but not for this one. It’s only normal for the host not to show off too much when there is a guest present.

  6. I feel XG was super nerves dancing in front of XZ, after the song you can tell he wanted XZ’s approval but I don’t think XZ was impress and therefor he did not commented on the dance or his performance in detail he just moved on. Poor XG but I think XZ is very honest and can’t lie, he would never say something he does not believe in.

    • I think you are right cuz I remember a few years back in one episode when Xiao Gui finished singing his first hit song Show gave him a hug and Xiao Gui got really happy he even got some tears in his eyes. At the time Show applauded him and praised him highly. If Show would have hug him today and patted his back I believe Xiao Gui would have cried . . . but he still has a long long long way to go before Show gives him approval as a dance/singer.

  7. wo bu yao chang sheng bu lao!! love this song sooo much!! so happy xiaogui sang it. You’re improving xiaogui!! Keep it up! Jiayou~ Ps.something wrong with my computer, i can’t type in chinese! ><

      • 大鈞編的阿!!!我又不是罵小鬼.你幹嘛??這舞給別人跳.我也覺得很醜.但是小鬼跳舞有進步我很替他高興

        • they probs needed to make the dance more simple and repetitive for alien to understand and remember, i mean the moves are the same just being repeated like 10 times and thatd the song -,-

      • 是不是小鬼編的舞和這舞很醜兩者互為獨立事件,所以請你別說我不能說超有感的舞好醜

  8. 千分之一听不到><就是要你爱上我里也有千分之一但也被mute掉了,是公司不让这首歌在网上播吗

  9. 小鬼好像很在意蝴蝶会摸了他的肌肉后觉得他的不如小猪,表情好像有点害羞也不知道是不是怕尴尬还是什么但小鬼好像很明显的想牵蝴蝶的手。可是他们唱得真好!很浪漫!〈3 鬼蝶

    • 我說啊…就是人到了一個地部就會怕別人追過他。
      你看他前陣子主持的那些不讓來賓講的,玩遊戲不服輸的,CUT 人地電話線的那些就可以看出來啦。

        • hi 你好呀sasa。
          係咪全部叫sasa o既都係狗黎ga呢?

          放粒bait 出黎就搶住黎咬人,吠多兩聲黎聽下先啦。

          • 请问你是有什么问题呀!你编的名字也太离谱了吧。我并不是小猪的粉丝但是你也不能把一个骂人的网友都归类成小猪的粉丝。sasa可能只是看不爽就骂。而且你有什么证明说她是小猪的粉丝?小猪的粉丝也是出了名整齐的好不好。我有在微博上看过几张报道以及其他主办单位称赞他们很合作当小猪到机场时还乖乖地排成两队中间有足够的位置让小猪走动。还有你这样随便侮辱其他人也是你自己道德出了问题。那你那么骂人,我是不是也要说你的偶像就是这样的人?因为你自己说“怎样的偶像就有怎样的粉丝”。非常抱歉我没有偶像所以我就不会像你说的有怎样的偶像就有怎样的粉丝。

          • 請問你這樣沒禮貌的人又是誰人的粉絲????

          • hi 你好啊 ? 點叫你?
            不如你叫廢柴 好岩你
            廢柴 比垃圾糞便更不如 … 垃圾糞便都可以轉為能源
            不過你唔好誤會 廢柴只係一個名姐
            隻狗就真係慘啦 … 跟住個廢柴

            廢柴連吠都無得吠 真係慘

      • 这一向来都是小猪的主持风格,只是那个挂电话他比较顽固。玩游戏谁会自愿让其他人赢的阿?你吗?你玩游戏不赢,那你干嘛玩?如果小猪不炒热气氛让其他嘉宾有参与感一定要赢那百分百开这个游戏来干嘛?不服输也是一种精神,难道你在生活上很容易放弃吗要不然你干嘛批评小猪不服输是因为怕别人追上他?那你是不是要说kid也爱抢镜头因为他也不服输。再来,小猪都是在节目上做效果来的,他哪有不让来宾讲。

        • haha. pls watch the show. in 90% of the eps he host, the others can seldom talk! And he will keep talking. you must obviously be blind.

      • 追過他??等你的偶像接多幾個廣告和到小巨蛋開唱.或接到在內地商演才再說吧


    • 他是唱现场的啊,只是因为可能背景音乐太大声上传上电脑后就听不太清楚! 🙂
      你又不是不知到娱百的音乐都开很大:) 你要听比较清楚的现场版可以上YOUTUBE搜寻~
      哦 还有可能因为他是唱高音的部分

  10. 哎呀~~~ 鬼蝶  甜蜜蜜哦~~~ 呵呵 看得出来一开始小鬼很想牵蝴蝶的手 但都鼓不起勇气, 但最后还是牵了 阿!! 好开心!!

    • 小鬼一直想跟蝴蝶互动眼睛看她蝴蝶一直躲掉,就算对到也是很快就飘走,最后小鬼伸手等了一小会儿蝴蝶才看到。

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