娛樂百分百 2013-07-01 百分百王牌大對決

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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

48 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-07-01 百分百王牌大對決

  1. 罗志祥有一个细节感动我了,在和郭子乾前辈模仿比拼完后要打分(打分要看现场的尖叫和掌声谁更响亮),前辈评分时,你在旁边帮他尖叫,到你了,明明现场都是你的歌迷,你自己没有尖叫还暗示大家不要尖叫,最后前辈赢了,你也很开心还向前辈鞠躬表示尊敬。你真的很有礼貌

    • lol who can pay attention to the episode Show is there and he is all the entertainment I need plus cute Hudie is there.

  2. 訪問滔滔不絕的大牌前輩如何插話找鏡頭

  3. Love HANDSOME Show!!!!!!!!!! it amazes me how girly he can be at times and yet so manly at the same time. Like today when he grabs Hudie’s hand his hand is so firm and strong such manly and confident guy. How can Hudie not get nerves?

  4. 小豬的模仿真的退步了很多,他的模仿和歐弟是同一路的,他們都屬於會把被模仿人的某個或某些特點誇大來製造笑點,多年前兩人的水平不相上下,現在從小豬身上只能依稀看到他過去的影子,而現今能與歐弟一較長短的基本沒有,有很像本尊的,不過卻笑不起來…

  5. OMG. ..Xiao Zhu & Hudie hands in hands…. I’m so happy :)) !!!!!! They made my day!!! Xiao Zhu is soooo handsome today, Hudie is so pretty as always. Love my Pig&Butterfly!!!! Love today’s episode.

  6. Xiao Zhu was such a nice voice its so sweet and harmonic it just melts my worries away . . . .love the handsome boy.
    ps. he is just looking better and better with age cant wait for his b-day episode!

  7. Show omg why is he so handsome? It was really funny when he held Hudie’s hand and she became nerves lol both of them are amazing!

  8. 郭子乾厲害啊。

  9. 蝶兒說中了小豬的個性了,但小豬聽完之後那個笑容未免太曖昧了吧;還有這句如果是蝶兒唱的話就加分慘了

  10. 哇,还手牵手,甜蜜的咧,可惜为什么不是跟小鬼啊。。。。

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