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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". July 18, 2013 Tipster Rednimer
31 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-07-18 Rocker歌唱大賽”
LOL Show is such a dork he is the only idol out there that dares to appear with his hair like that on TV he really is an adorable dork. I think that this type of attitude is what makes him unique. Anyway I also think that this rocker episode had everything but rock but at the end of the day it was entertaining and that what counts.
I love Show’s jacket and he looks handsome in it but I don’t think he gives a rocker vibe . . . actually none of them did well only the guy in hudie’s team had it (sorry don’t know his name).
I totally agree show and hudie look very fashionable but they don’t have a rock attitude. but besides that I do think that Show’s team always wins the group battle because he has great presence when he gets on stage with his team he commands attention and makes the group’s performance shine. He owns the stage.
LOL Show is such a dork he is the only idol out there that dares to appear with his hair like that on TV he really is an adorable dork. I think that this type of attitude is what makes him unique. Anyway I also think that this rocker episode had everything but rock but at the end of the day it was entertaining and that what counts.
其實小鬼也不介意頭髮亂亂的啊 也有看過好幾次他在娛百都有把頭髮搞亂~~
鬼腳步的阿信 XD
I love Show’s jacket and he looks handsome in it but I don’t think he gives a rocker vibe . . . actually none of them did well only the guy in hudie’s team had it (sorry don’t know his name).
I totally agree show and hudie look very fashionable but they don’t have a rock attitude. but besides that I do think that Show’s team always wins the group battle because he has great presence when he gets on stage with his team he commands attention and makes the group’s performance shine. He owns the stage.
He is not a rocker
definitely not
羅志祥真的是男子汉大丈夫 打不死的蟑螂 棒棒棒 攒攒攒
那一段好弱喔= =”衰不爛~變好好笑的感覺
台灣的rock幾乎都是 soft rock 加一點點 punk rock.. 比較喜歡日本那邊的 One OK ROCK!!!
台灣很多 alternative rock + soft rock.
沒足夠聽眾要怎麼要求要怎樣的團呢? 你看閃靈, 台灣有很多人支持他們, 買他們的專輯嗎?
有拉 酷愛樂團 只是他們現在沒出來
閃靈只能算重金屬的一小部分 重金屬也有分超多種 電音的 流行的 速金 死金 超多種
但盧不是搖滾樂,但是喊ROCK也可以是一種態度 因為很多真正國外搖滾樂手 歌詞都是反社會
做真正的自己 所以盧喊 因該是因為他想表達自己的生活態度吧
ROCKER 冇小鐘….><..