TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". July 22, 2013 Tipster Rednimer
Honestly why the random comment? Only a jealous person would say that. Bottom line who cares if he is handsome or not? I’m tire of open haters just randomly hating.
Dude, there isn’t any random hating, he must of have done something that makes people hates him – for instance, when he play games he never admits that he lost.
He is not even in the episode (3 seconds) and yet someone feels the need to comment something negative about him no explanation or nothing not even a respond or opinion in response to something just a negative statement . . . if that is not random hating then I don’t know what then. And about the not admitting defeat on games really that is not even real its a variety game show . . that’s even more random.
Sorry dude, you know what, I wasn’t even referring to the show. =) What I said is real and definitely not random. Just for the sake of yours, there’s an article about Show, Party Boys and other people went to Maldives in March. The main bit you need to know is this: “團員爆料,在飯店的幾個晚上,小豬總會發想搞怪點子與團員們同樂,其中有一晚上,七個大男孩竟然附和他,全裸泡在房間專屬游泳池裡大玩水上騎馬打仗,尤其小豬輸了還不認帳,最後遭到成員投訴。” Can you read Chinese? That is basically what I was referring to at the start. If you want the website, feel free to ask and don’t be shy 😉
Why is show lo never in the episodes like this
琳琳’s voice so annoying
為什麼帥哥一定是羅志祥 = =
因為好多這類帥哥投票 第一名都是羅志祥!連男生去整形都想整的眼.耳.口.鼻.都想整到跟羅志祥一樣.
its ok as long as the seafood is fresh
小甜甜 is so sweet to the old people lol
我滿喜歡蝴蝶 但是第一對甜甜問的夫婦的同時突然聽到蝴蝶滿大聲的娃娃音說”對啊….”
也不是聽得很清楚@@ 有點模糊 @@
不是在說她 只是我本身在聽甜甜 然後聽到蝴蝶又想要聽她說什麼 但是又模糊..
如果清楚一點可能兩位說話都能兼顧到@@ 搞得我有點錯亂 xDD
Lollipop F日前宣告合約結束,但金牌表示合約仍正常進行。據了解,Lollipop F和金牌合約載明,若超過1年半未發片,合約即失效,上張專輯《Dance》至今已1年8個月,原本敖犬要出畫冊,因公司改組喊卡。敖犬、威廉、小煜、阿緯各揹房貸,但患難見真情,4人還是希望一起發片,積極尋覓新東家。
這個團,算吧.. 沒希望的了
Lollipop F粉絲還是滿多的.應該還有價值.舞跳的也不錯.就是歌聲很差.但應該也是唯一有上韓國節目的偶像團體吧??
歌聲比起剛出道的時候好太多了,最重要的是他們肯努力,我覺得這是我很欣賞他們的地方,近幾年台灣出了無數的團體,毫無實力,甚至連外表也沒有,就是有錢就可以發片了,嘴上說著自已有多努力,卻完全沒有讓觀眾看到他們的用心。相反我覺得Lollipop F算是比較低調的人,私底下默默努力不會跟大家講說他們的付出,卻用行動證明。
羅 isn’t handsome at all man!
Honestly why the random comment? Only a jealous person would say that. Bottom line who cares if he is handsome or not? I’m tire of open haters just randomly hating.
Dude, there isn’t any random hating, he must of have done something that makes people hates him – for instance, when he play games he never admits that he lost.
He is not even in the episode (3 seconds) and yet someone feels the need to comment something negative about him no explanation or nothing not even a respond or opinion in response to something just a negative statement . . . if that is not random hating then I don’t know what then. And about the not admitting defeat on games really that is not even real its a variety game show . . that’s even more random.
Sorry dude, you know what, I wasn’t even referring to the show. =) What I said is real and definitely not random. Just for the sake of yours, there’s an article about Show, Party Boys and other people went to Maldives in March. The main bit you need to know is this: “團員爆料,在飯店的幾個晚上,小豬總會發想搞怪點子與團員們同樂,其中有一晚上,七個大男孩竟然附和他,全裸泡在房間專屬游泳池裡大玩水上騎馬打仗,尤其小豬輸了還不認帳,最後遭到成員投訴。” Can you read Chinese? That is basically what I was referring to at the start. If you want the website, feel free to ask and don’t be shy 😉
I love William, but I don’t like his beard…
羅主任 XD
玩的真是開心~ 羨慕~.~
Come I clap for you?