138 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-09-16 粉絲同樂會 By2

  1. People who loves to put hudie down is such a loser. Pls look at the mirror before u criticize her, not as if u’re better so if u have nothing to say then pls stfu. Hater gonna hate .

  2. I think miko is more mature and sensible as compare to yumi. Also i personally feel miko has better vocal. Hence I prefer miko more.

    • They are telling the truth. It obvious you do not believe. You did not see them in person without makeup they still look the same to me. Do you have medical evdience or did you watch them doing plastic surgery in person. If not, please stop accuse someone without proof.

  3. By2 are talented young twins girl group. By2 are Singer, Song & Lyrics Writer, Arranger,
    Chord Planner, Book Author, Show’s Host, Choreographer, Actress and Album Director.
    By2 learn gymnastic, ballet, singing, violin, piano, guitar, dancing (Hip Hop, Jazz, Vogue,
    Breaking, Popping, House etc.) since 4 years old. They start performing multicultural dances
    and singing multi-language in Singapore at the age of 6 (but only ability to speak English and Chinese) before debuted at the age of 16 in Taiwan. The company re-train them in Singapore, Japan, China & Taiwan at the age of 14. They further their dancing skills in USA at their own expense last year and going to USA for further study next year. The company say they are fast learners for choreography. And They can wrote their own song, 2020爱你爱妳 within six hours.

  4. dancing king真的好利害 這也想到李小龍~哈哈
    撞到膝蓋應該是假的 因為跟演唱會的梗一樣~哈哈
    經理人難道不知豬錄dancing king ?感覺經理人不想豬再演dancing king~.~

  5. Hudie is a bitch. She loves fucking. She fucks everyday. Woohoo! She acts innocent that she dunno what sex is but she does it everyday.

    • 我覺得他做什麼也好 那些”觀眾”都不會滿意的 你不覺得嗎?更本他們是針對人..
      表演得好最多就不留言 一有問題就是大駡”
      其實給意見是好 但留言的內容 給人感覺是針對他.
      最搞笑是有人留言駡任何人 回復者都會說是豬迷=.=
      我覺得豬迷現在都不看娛百 因為羅志祥很少出現 豬迷應該習慣性不看..

  6. D腦殘豬迷真係很搞笑。
    腦殘豬迷真係7 到無朋友

      • By2 company also having big management problems twice but the company still support them it is because they are better luck than Lollipop F or ten years contract. I guess By2 are the one and only real twins are young and talented. I hear a teacher say a potential singer not only depend on vocal and dancing skills still need to pickup other skills for instance writing your own songs, instruments performing etc.

    • 應該是比LOLLIPOP F的公司強吧

    • 其實如果不是LPF跟金牌有合約問題

  7. By2超厲害,小猪教得好快,我都看不明白,超厲害的拉 

    蝴蝶好可怜跟不上 By2和蝴蝶都被小猪做弄 超厲害的主持人

  8. they really are talented! i mean look at that dance choreo show taught them it looks so hard to me >_< and they did great ^^
    loved today's ep show was so funny lol and hu die kept laughing and laughing so hard xD

  9. Honestly im not a fan of By2 but i dont get why they’re so terribly scolded for having plastic surgery? I mean most of the koreans in the music industry have done it too and even so its their own choice and we have no rights to scold them right? Why do koreans do it with praises from their country pple while taiwanese will just get scolded? Speaking of country discrimination?Just stating my point there.

  10. 真的不希望看到BY2變的像麥莉一樣急著轉大人整個走偏了.變成慾女.講話很油.都在自嗨~濃妝豔抹的都不可愛了

  11. 小豬: *unglam unglam unglams* oh!! my.. 我的經紀人來了! im sorry~我告訴你一句話 一切都來.不.及.了~ (swag pose) yeh man~ yeah thats man yeah thats right yeah~~~

  12. 那個板板不是粉絲做的吧? 我看蝴蝶在part2有兩次把那個板板狠丟到地上。。希望那不是粉絲做的!

    • 那板子當然是粉絲作的啊!!粉絲都很用心.很有創意.都做得很精美!!你以前沒有看魚擺喔??豬鬼都這樣丟阿!!

        • haha! black your face la. If Zhu tearing up the letter was wrong, then what about her throwing the board made by fans? Why not you say you hate Zhu but not butterfly? Lol. If we’re using different point of comparison, then you must be blind too, just like the fans of Zhu.

          • basically. yes that was not a good idea doing so…
            but you know what?
            she learned it from the jerk standing next to her.

          • The longest job she has done so far is to teach children how to sing and dance in kid’s programmes. So it is not surprising that the dance moves she comes up w are simpler, isn’t it?

          • 我不是維護蝴蝶,而是看不過。從以前到現在主持人都會丟板板,包括豬鬼,不要說你未看過,小豬也曾把板板上的毛毛球撕下來玩、作梗,一直以來都沒有誰說過些甚麼,現在蝴蝶丟板板就不行?你們是甚麼標準呀?而且不要跟撕信這件事放在一起說!

          • The hosts have been throwing the board since long ago. B4 Butterfly entered 100% entertainment, Zhu and Gui have alr been throwing the fan made boards as it makes it easier for them to do some actions etc. So there is no need to compare Butterfly’s actions w Zhu. They are separate matters.

    • 丟板板很正常….一直以來豬鬼蝶都丟….板版本來就是消耗品…不是收藏品….

    • 你应该不常看娱百吧?从以前猪鬼主持,他们就有丢粉丝做的板了啊!因为这样比较方便!待会儿要捡起来用也方便!尤其是live的时候,或需要急性的做些动作时,都必须这样啊。没什么好大惊小怪的吧?

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