82 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-09-23 百分百遊戲王

    • If not do you expect them to bring clothes to change? They still have to go to other shows for promo okay. They not only come to just this show. They have more than one tv program to record in one day.

      • lol that’s no excuse… it’s not like it’s going to kill them to bring an extra pair of shoes is it? that being said yes it’s their own choice what to wear… if they feel like wearing high heels to a game show, why not? just thought your argument was kinda unreasonable

    • LOL,看了新闻吧,越来越恨蝴蝶了吧?可人家小猪喜欢啊. 你们越恨,人家越爱,最后就真的要修成正果了

      • ugh… just no… can you please stop using the “jealousy” argument against haters? yes hu die is great, haters are stupid but people don’t always have to be jealous to hate that person just get it for god’s sake -.-
        you could say “hu die is funny and cute and in my opinioin she can host but you must be blind to not see it! please stop your unresonable hate towards her! she’s doing a good job and you should try to enjoy this show or just not watch eposides with hu die if she annoys you that much but it’s fucking rude and dumb to just leave such a comment might as well spend your life useful”
        instead you chose the “oh you must be jealous” argument… almost as dumb man… geesh *smh*

    • u are jus a hater…if u are good why dn u go and replace her u idiot???
      for what u hate such a lovely who could be so cute at some times and be so sexy at other times?? -.-” DUMBASS

  1. 蝴蝶抬腿時小豬嚇一跳連我也嚇一跳,都沒有準備直接抬起來,筋真的超軟,但小芙蝶妳腰部受傷過要小心點,還有她在耀龍門時的耶跟好開心說的好自然。

    • lol he always has his rage fits i found that hilarious xD he didn’t hurt anyone it’s an entertainment show so try not to take everything so serious…. i still don’t get why people apprantly watch this show to only complain afterwards O_o

      • Previously afew ep he also rage and alot guest even hudie got scared by him. And i think someone complain about his attitude so recent ep when zhu rage, u will see gui and hudie will try to calm him down as they wanna help zhu.

  2. 你出道幾年? = 這就是中國人的汙腐思想, 利用輩分欺壓後輩, 與尊師重道這四字的意義已背道而馳. 不要說這個, 甄妮也是這樣, 利用完GEM搞完個唱, 已經無人記得佢.

  3. 小鬼是超有感而小芙蝶這集是超勇敢,整集不是噹小豬不然就是嗆小豬而且還糾正頂嘴小豬好幾次,感覺她們的份圍很奇妙

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