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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". September 23, 2013 Tipster Rednimer
If not do you expect them to bring clothes to change? They still have to go to other shows for promo okay. They not only come to just this show. They have more than one tv program to record in one day.
lol that’s no excuse… it’s not like it’s going to kill them to bring an extra pair of shoes is it? that being said yes it’s their own choice what to wear… if they feel like wearing high heels to a game show, why not? just thought your argument was kinda unreasonable
ugh… just no… can you please stop using the “jealousy” argument against haters? yes hu die is great, haters are stupid but people don’t always have to be jealous to hate that person just get it for god’s sake -.-
you could say “hu die is funny and cute and in my opinioin she can host but you must be blind to not see it! please stop your unresonable hate towards her! she’s doing a good job and you should try to enjoy this show or just not watch eposides with hu die if she annoys you that much but it’s fucking rude and dumb to just leave such a comment might as well spend your life useful”
instead you chose the “oh you must be jealous” argument… almost as dumb man… geesh *smh*
u are jus a hater…if u are good why dn u go and replace her u idiot???
for what u hate such a lovely who could be so cute at some times and be so sexy at other times?? -.-” DUMBASS
lol he always has his rage fits i found that hilarious xD he didn’t hurt anyone it’s an entertainment show so try not to take everything so serious…. i still don’t get why people apprantly watch this show to only complain afterwards O_o
Previously afew ep he also rage and alot guest even hudie got scared by him. And i think someone complain about his attitude so recent ep when zhu rage, u will see gui and hudie will try to calm him down as they wanna help zhu.
從未留過言, 看他過不了三片我還真爽, 沒品
mayday ending !!!!!!
what song is that?
by2 來這單元居然穿高跟鞋和裙子…
If not do you expect them to bring clothes to change? They still have to go to other shows for promo okay. They not only come to just this show. They have more than one tv program to record in one day.
lol that’s no excuse… it’s not like it’s going to kill them to bring an extra pair of shoes is it? that being said yes it’s their own choice what to wear… if they feel like wearing high heels to a game show, why not? just thought your argument was kinda unreasonable
they took their shoes off when its their turn to play
Love hu die, love forever~
So who died?
you are funny
they got to replace this irritating hu die. firstly cant host, 2ndly she’s full of crap in games.
takes one to know one thats full of crap
LOL,看了新闻吧,越来越恨蝴蝶了吧?可人家小猪喜欢啊. 你们越恨,人家越爱,最后就真的要修成正果了
Obviously you are full of jealousy !!! Why ‘anti’ someone !!! I think she’s great !!!
ugh… just no… can you please stop using the “jealousy” argument against haters? yes hu die is great, haters are stupid but people don’t always have to be jealous to hate that person just get it for god’s sake -.-
you could say “hu die is funny and cute and in my opinioin she can host but you must be blind to not see it! please stop your unresonable hate towards her! she’s doing a good job and you should try to enjoy this show or just not watch eposides with hu die if she annoys you that much but it’s fucking rude and dumb to just leave such a comment might as well spend your life useful”
instead you chose the “oh you must be jealous” argument… almost as dumb man… geesh *smh*
Anti your mom hahaa
u are jus a hater…if u are good why dn u go and replace her u idiot???
for what u hate such a lovely who could be so cute at some times and be so sexy at other times?? -.-” DUMBASS
羅志祥又用出道,又先進娛百, 輸了還打破珍珠板, 效果不是這樣吧
是啦, 不過他重覆說的打壓性的說話, 是效果的話, 也是很煩很悶.
lol he always has his rage fits i found that hilarious xD he didn’t hurt anyone it’s an entertainment show so try not to take everything so serious…. i still don’t get why people apprantly watch this show to only complain afterwards O_o
He is not the reason why we are watching this show…and we are not complaining…we are just disgusted by his childish act
Previously afew ep he also rage and alot guest even hudie got scared by him. And i think someone complain about his attitude so recent ep when zhu rage, u will see gui and hudie will try to calm him down as they wanna help zhu.
i cringe whenever show is being cocky. not sure why..
Yaoyao no good …..
I think they wanted to pair up the number of male vs female
I want kid ><
who else found that super cute?? 🙂 haha
KAO 你又知道 你跟他们很熟有见过他们啊?还什么眼神嘞
你出道幾年? = 這就是中國人的汙腐思想, 利用輩分欺壓後輩, 與尊師重道這四字的意義已背道而馳. 不要說這個, 甄妮也是這樣, 利用完GEM搞完個唱, 已經無人記得佢.
不過Get Everybody Masturbating 都唔抵幫,做埋d野都係 7下 7下。
也許吧, 但也是題外話
你呢啲柒頭只問立場 不論是非
So what ? we like it !
you dont represent us.
Who are you ? nobody !
耶!! 五月天的入陣曲~~
唉~ 小豬 只剩鯉魚躍龍門 比較好看…
Yumi 每次上娱百很爱对小猪动手动脚的~
They are close like brother and sister. You jealous are.
3 pair 雙胞胎
Yay! There will be people going to complain about By2 coming again, sigh~
但BY2 也真的上太多次了吧。
(某明星) 去留學了…