35 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-10-25 粉絲同樂會 秋元才加

  1. 小鬼一句楊紫瓊點醒我 她真的有那種中性的英氣 很適合演女警的感覺
    難怪她粉絲女的比男的多= =

  2. Xiao Gui is so boring honestly disagree all you want and vote my comment down but that guy is just ZZZZZ everything he does is just ZZZZZZZ so unoriginal

    • He is not really boring! There are times he is funny, haha Whatever he does, comes out from his heart! 🙂
      I think you have not enough sleep that is why! You have to get enough sleep before watching this, lol

      • LOL actually I love the way you defend him “There are times he is funny” I agree 100% because those rare times do exist however today is not the case.

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