108 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-11-06 LIVE

  1. I honestly don’t know what is wrong with Hudie but what I’m sure is that it has nothing to do with Show. I think that it is unfair to say that she is afraid of him because of his fans, if that was the case she would have never gone out with him in private to celebrate her b-day plus their interaction in recent episodes proves that she is totally relax and friendly with him. Today something is off with her and its not Show. But because she is all strange Show also looks kind of distress trying to talk to her and getting nothing he is trying to hard and she is just there being short and fake. I feel sorry for her but also for Show, he is hardly ever there and now after coming back from Canada and South Korea he has to deal with her making the atmosphere all heavy what’s her deal I want my happy Show playing around going on and on about his non-sense not a quiet awkward Show!!!!!!

  2. 蝶粉好好哦,好會幫她說話哦,也好會罵其他主持人哦。蝴蝶主持的最好,最厲害。完全就零缺點啊。 ==‘

    • 沒有人零圈點的,蝴蝶也是,上帝佛陀亦不例外,但像妳這種滿是負面思維與批判人生的倒也不多,但妳是其中最難能可貴的,極少有人自己滿身缺點卻還能毫不客氣批評別人的,臉皮之厚,世所罕見

    • 人渣,妳還在喔!不會累喔!快去吃屎吧!說輸人家沒屁放就牽三拖四的,什麼叫蝶粉好會罵其他主持人!可悲啊!

      • 他就是說輸人家才想釣豬鬼粉出來幫他助陣…
        好拼命在黑啊 真不知道蝴蝶有哪裡能讓他眼紅成這樣= =

  3. 蝴蝶插的話根本沒點,幹嘛要插?沒話講就沒話講,可以不要插一些廢話嗎?什麼叫不會打到臉,可以走路?是白痴嗎?人家是專業當然不會打到臉。還有難道走路有那麼困難嗎?除非你不方便。

    • 真的忍不住想吐槽…你們發完文都不會看一下自己講話到底邏輯通不通嗎?
      你要主持人在來賓表演時說「厚 這些都基本的吧?我都看過了 有沒有別招?」啊= =
      沒點罵就沒點罵 可以不要硬挑骨頭嗎?
      在這亂罵是能幹嘛?你以為他們會來看啊= =

      • 你真的沒有看我留言對嗎?我討厭蝶是事實,豬是還好,但是我只有祝福這兩位非常配的人在一起,我有說過他們不應該在一起嗎?不懂就別亂罵。

          • 你至少比某位一直說我是黑粉的人好。那位不懂什麼是黑粉的定義的。


          • 我倒覺得你可以不看,你就像很多黑粉喜歡歪曲事實,但你們都不知道你們的話很煩,而且又無趣,還會干擾到我們想好好看一個綜藝節目的心情。因為你們小人都會無聊的挑架吵

          • 你說對了,她那種人就是自以為世界是繞著自己轉的,永遠都看別人不順眼,卻不曉得自己才真的顧人怨

          • 幹嘛一定要看,然後要回?如果真的你們不是人渣,那乾嘛要來留言,瞎攪和?

          • 妳都說人人有言論自由了,我回妳文不是剛剛好而已,但我不像妳這麼沒水準胡亂謾罵,我只針對妳批評,妳忘了我曾說過只要有一天妳還在這板鬼扯,我只要有空上來一定會回妳文?! 看妳回這什麼垃圾文,把全世界都罵進去了,難怪你走到哪被嫌到哪

    • 可能他们总认为小猪做错,是人都会做错,人也要接受批评。小猪确实很强,可是太过自大了,过于膨胀自己

    • 其實小豬每次出去宣傳時都會有這種狀況
      平時就已經有不少地雷要注意 現在小豬還多了宣傳期形象要顧 真的很難放得開
      跟蝴蝶還算好多了 上次豬鬼LIVE更不自然= =

  4. 小豬這種狀況我也有過 熬夜到一個程度後 忽然就不會想睡了
    而且精神會好到自己都不敢相信 然後手腳關節會癢癢的 讓人很想一直動
    可是下一次睡覺時會睡死 超難起床 起床後也會全身不舒服= =”

  5. 唉我真的不明白有什麼好吵的…我喜歡娛百,也喜歡豬鬼蝶!除非一個人在現實生活中傷害了我, 例如向我上司中傷我之類的, 我才會不喜歡他…..

          • 你去問粉絲不就知道了,保證沒修圖,況且你講的很明顯影射蝴蝶自己照還修圖,現在被戳破了,就開始改說詞,黑之前先做好功課吧你

          • 請問我有黑嗎?難道你敢保證蝴蝶自己上傳的照片都沒有修圖嗎?既然那麼挺她那你就發誓說蝴蝶百分之百沒有修圖咯。

          • 你是小孩子嗎?還發誓咧,說詞不通就開始偏離問題啊,把粉絲沒做的事,以自個惡意妄想加諸他們身上,還說不是抹黑

  6. I feel so bad for butterfly. She is like scared to even stand close to show. AND I personally reckon its not that show is hard to approach or she is scared of him. She’s scared of all these news saying they r dating. If she stands to close or show too much personal interest in him.. I feel like the reporters are gonna make up stuff again == so sad… She was totally fine with show a few years ago.. And then all these dating news came..

  7. Honestly what is wrong with Hudie today? I really like her but why is it that sometimes she just looks like she does not what to be there at all. She hardly says anything and then all of her reactions look so force and fake like her heart is just not in it. She stands a mile away from Show and is always ready to run away. And please don’t tell me Xiao Zhu was monopolizing the conversation poor thing was having a hard time keeping the energy going between them it was like talking to a wall. Glad to see them together but awkward Live episode,

    • Yes I also saw the same it reminds me of the early episodes were she just started hosting . . . but this year she had so much chemistry with everybody so maybe she has personal problems or something?? But yeah its painful to watch her being so cold and fake.

      • I don’t know why. Everytime she hosts with Xiao Zhu, she gives us like she is so afraid of him >< But when she is with Xiao Gui, its just so nature! Maybe because Xiao Zhu gets angry easily while Xiao Gui is more of outgoing?

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