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82 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-11-13 LIVE”
Vanness so funny.he just hit the mics with the mics he is taking HAHA
I think the major reason for the change in their relationship is that Xiao Gui behaves differently with him now than before. If you notice before Gui would used to take a submissive role praising him constantly and looking up at him like a big brother . . . now Gui having the opportunity to host with other juniors like William ( being treated like a senior) and having gain more popularity you can sense a different air about him you can see Gui no longer wants to be his second, he doesn’t go along with Zhu’s gag’s anymore. In the other hand Zhu is at another level now travelling everywhere I think its only natural keeping in mind they don’t see each other often anymore.
Not really. Show just keep bragging and talking about his recent experiences until it’s time for AD/News. Since it is mostly Show’s personal experiences, there is really not much Gui can chip in. Also, Show don’t really come up with Gag anymore for the past year and he always shut down/don’t react to Gui’s gag/actions resulting in the current boring state for Yubai.
i second that. havent watch bfb for a really long time because it is no longer funny anymore. i cant or dont know how to say what’s wrong with them or the program i just feel it is not as entertaining as before.
You know what in the past xg would have asked questions about xz’s experiences, he was always exited to hear whatever xz had to say n they would play off that. Now xg’s expression is like ” whatever just finish what u r saying” xz has always brag it’s his oldest hosting “gag” n it’s a gag because in real life he is a shy n reserved person if u don’t know that then u don’t know him . . But anyway in the past xg had no problem going along with xz’s bragging he was always game to whatever xz had to say n be his second. Now what has changed? Xz continues to brag but xg no longer feels the need to go along with it so yes he does not go along with his gags.
I’m talking about the funny gags. Plain bragging is not gag because it is not funny. Only fake bragging in front of guest might be considered gag because it is funny when it is so exaggerated and fake.
I think you are missing the point weather the bragging is a gag or not that’s beside the point bottom line their interaction has changed not because xz has changed much but because xg is displaying a different attitude he no longer humors him in any aspect in funny gags, bragging or whatever.
XG can’t humors him if XZ don’t want to come up with any gags/reactions. All questions/praises that XG asked leads to dead end.
What are you talking about Show is such a modest person during his news he has just a thankful and sincere person. No matter how big he gets he is still well grounded he even gets so nervous before performing. Bragging? he does not brag he is just taking about his experiences if it sounds like bragging to you then you must not like him much and do not feel happy for his accomplishments. Xiao Giu’s attitude is to me that of a jealous person.
its been like this since end of 09 i believe. Gui has said some condescending things about zhu & his fans in the past, also gui wasn’t very supportive during the whole webcam scandal, he wanted nothing to do with zhu. Ever since gui is no longer part of party boyz, so they’re not friends anymore just co-hosts, that’s why its so awkward btwn them.
Ah~!! Show I’m so proud of him he looks handsome in any hair color and knows how to give a great performance that make not only Taiwan but All of his followers proud. Baby você é o melhor!!!
Vanness so funny.he just hit the mics with the mics he is taking HAHA
台灣人經說要走向國際 第一點要做的是面對現實
原來小豬在韓國都很紅, 不只是日本了
曹格R&B天王開公司 好期待他簽的藝人 希望會象他一樣厲害^^
现在的威廉就像当年的小鬼,而小鬼就像以前的小猪~ 感觉现在威廉跟小鬼主持比较好笑~
okay. i know the makeup artist is probably gay but what’s up with the EAR RINGS
Show is supper adorable I cant believe he is 35 I want a boyfriend like him : )
After watching a live episode from 2009 from zhugui just before watching this one really shows how much stiffer their relationship have gotten..
I think the major reason for the change in their relationship is that Xiao Gui behaves differently with him now than before. If you notice before Gui would used to take a submissive role praising him constantly and looking up at him like a big brother . . . now Gui having the opportunity to host with other juniors like William ( being treated like a senior) and having gain more popularity you can sense a different air about him you can see Gui no longer wants to be his second, he doesn’t go along with Zhu’s gag’s anymore. In the other hand Zhu is at another level now travelling everywhere I think its only natural keeping in mind they don’t see each other often anymore.
Not really. Show just keep bragging and talking about his recent experiences until it’s time for AD/News. Since it is mostly Show’s personal experiences, there is really not much Gui can chip in. Also, Show don’t really come up with Gag anymore for the past year and he always shut down/don’t react to Gui’s gag/actions resulting in the current boring state for Yubai.
All in all zhu gui is end gameXD
i second that. havent watch bfb for a really long time because it is no longer funny anymore. i cant or dont know how to say what’s wrong with them or the program i just feel it is not as entertaining as before.
You know what in the past xg would have asked questions about xz’s experiences, he was always exited to hear whatever xz had to say n they would play off that. Now xg’s expression is like ” whatever just finish what u r saying” xz has always brag it’s his oldest hosting “gag” n it’s a gag because in real life he is a shy n reserved person if u don’t know that then u don’t know him . . But anyway in the past xg had no problem going along with xz’s bragging he was always game to whatever xz had to say n be his second. Now what has changed? Xz continues to brag but xg no longer feels the need to go along with it so yes he does not go along with his gags.
I’m talking about the funny gags. Plain bragging is not gag because it is not funny. Only fake bragging in front of guest might be considered gag because it is funny when it is so exaggerated and fake.
I think you are missing the point weather the bragging is a gag or not that’s beside the point bottom line their interaction has changed not because xz has changed much but because xg is displaying a different attitude he no longer humors him in any aspect in funny gags, bragging or whatever.
XG can’t humors him if XZ don’t want to come up with any gags/reactions. All questions/praises that XG asked leads to dead end.
What are you talking about Show is such a modest person during his news he has just a thankful and sincere person. No matter how big he gets he is still well grounded he even gets so nervous before performing. Bragging? he does not brag he is just taking about his experiences if it sounds like bragging to you then you must not like him much and do not feel happy for his accomplishments. Xiao Giu’s attitude is to me that of a jealous person.
its been like this since end of 09 i believe. Gui has said some condescending things about zhu & his fans in the past, also gui wasn’t very supportive during the whole webcam scandal, he wanted nothing to do with zhu. Ever since gui is no longer part of party boyz, so they’re not friends anymore just co-hosts, that’s why its so awkward btwn them.
Show so handsome in STAGE! Love his bottoms I want a pair!
小豬幾年前就已經是天王了 可是鬼蝶跟他搭檔也不會尷尬
感覺三人之間是從2013年初開始變質 小豬從日本回來後不知道發生什麼事= =
很明顯有個小人又在自導自演guest chuva bb,罵小豬黑蝴蝶,想引起兩方罵戰,請各位無視不要去理,別中計了
現在那些一成不變的黑粉文很難釣到人了…有夠沒梗= =
华人之光,华人的骄傲 羅志祥万岁,加油
但我覺得你這樣是在把蝴蝶推向火線耶= =”
我不會去買小豬的專輯但是我也不會討厭他 請你問自己 他都有妨礙到你的生活嗎?他有欺負你的家人嗎?那麼容易就討厭一個人?如果是見不得人好才去討厭的 這種現象在風水學來說你就是“小人”
一直我罵你你罵他 他罵他..大家不覺得有一點無聊嗎?
那些豬迷就是這樣罵 才害討厭小豬的人越來越多 看起來你應該很能體會
正因如此 閣下也不希望蝴蝶踏上小豬的後塵吧?
= = 隨便吧
誰的迷不確定 也有可能誰的迷都不是 單純來這興風作浪
唯一能確定的只有他在黑蝴蝶而已= =
Ah~!! Show I’m so proud of him he looks handsome in any hair color and knows how to give a great performance that make not only Taiwan but All of his followers proud. Baby você é o melhor!!!
I honestly feel Show has gotten to big for this program I know he loves it and we his fans adore his hosting abilities . . . but he works to hard!!
我感受到他们两人相处没有以前融洽, 我想可能是两个人在演艺圈都有比以前更高的成绩了, 我怎么感觉好像是小鬼态度的有点冷,罗志祥还是没怎么变
脸色什么意思, 什么脸色
zhu’s always bragging
good thing he has something to brag about