娛樂百分百 2013-12-12 百分百小巨蛋 羅志祥

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113 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2013-12-12 百分百小巨蛋 羅志祥

  1. I have watched this episode like 5 times and I just cant get enough and I think just I happen to realized why. In the past he has mention that because of the stupid title “Asia’s Dancing King” it has made him really restricted in the way he dances in fear of being judge but in this episode he is so careless like a little kid and just having fun. He always says “I’m just a person that likes dancing” and I think in this episode he looks like he is having so much fun being free. As for the singing its like he has gained so much confidence he also used to hold back never really going for it like last year when he said he disliked singing a particular song because the key was so high therefor would not sing it Live but in this episode he just when for it singing strong and confident. He is obviously not lip singing. He has also sing this song at his signing event and you can tell it’s unquestionably Live. If you can’t tell then you know what . . . whatever its not like it maters. Think whatever you want.

  2. 各位,請不要一直批評。你喜歡,就留鼓勵他的留言。不喜歡他的就不要看啊!就算你要留言,也不用那麼刻薄吧!個人有個人的品味、喜歡,所以如果你不喜歡羅志祥我也能諒解,但也不用那麼批評他到這種程度吧!請你們想一想再留言,謝謝。最後,豬迷是有品德的。

  3. 羅志祥的和潘微泊的都是翻唱韩国团体1TYM的歌. 全部都是1TYM队长TEDDY写的.
    对. 就是那个YG的TEDDY.
    那个给2NE1, BIGBANG, GD, 太阳, 写歌的TEDDY.
    那个曾经拒绝美国Interscope请他给LADY GAGA写歌的TEDDY.

  4. Show Time is a remake of 1TYM’s Mother written by TEDDY…

    TEDDY from 1TYM
    TEDDY from YG
    TEDDY who writes for 2NE1, BIGBANG, GD, Taeyang…

    the dude’s been copying for 10 years.

    • Hey! U know what? That is what the market wants ok! Why make an album that is nice to listen but no one wants to buy? U must be rich to make this type of album because U will definitely lose money. IDIOT! Btw, who started in entertainment circle first? Who’s copying who? Get the facts right.

  5. 這討論平台應該取消, 無聊的人都來這裡罵, 任何的表演節目, 好與不好, 都是用心經營的, 何必罵呢?

    • are you a moron? all songs were live except ONE! his new, heavily dance based song… it’s okay to say you didn’t like that he lip synched that one (i didn’t either) but bitch please piss off with your “fake no live singing” at least have the courtesy to form a full sentence and stop implying he didn’t sing throughout the whole thing… he’s known for singing live most of the time so just take your stupidity elsewhere… oh wait i forgot there’s no other place than this for pathetic people like you who need to hide in anonymity cause they’d get beat to death for uttering such idiotic things in public

  6. 比起哈狗歌迷喜歡那些濃妝豔抹的韓狗星

    • 為什麼要找別的理由來為他辯護?
      笑 😀 😀 😀

        • He is the best-selling artist of singing & dancing, so it is really disrespectful of him to lip-sync. Hardly any Taiwanese singing & dancing artist ever lip-sync. Although dub-over is a common practice in China, most of them still insist to sing live during program recording. Even for the other 2 hosts, Owodog and William, who are not the lead vocal of Lollipop F, always sing live. There is really no excuse for Show to lip-sync here.

          BTW, talk trash won’t help you winning any point here!!

    • I TOTALLY AGREE! Dont understand why people like those who are plastic and say that OMG! they are so handsome. Please, go plastic surgery your face to be them and you will be handsome too..

  7. oh wow this episode was a total surprise. His charisma is off the charts he dominates the stage and he shines with a light from within. He looks youthful and matured at the same time dancing happily to his songs, his voice is better than ever and his special connection with his fans is unbreakable.

    1. His new song apart from having a difficult choreography it totally displays his ability to sing and dance and not just so so but with great quality.
    2. He interprets his love songs with such passion that you can almost feel like he is going to burst into tears at any moment.
    3. few artist can take an audience from 0 to 100 with just one song but when he started to sing bounce transformed a quiet audience to a party.

    He is a great person inside and out he deserves everything good. Support him 4ever.

    ps. . . .And did you guys saw the shirtless pict? OMG, so that was what he was hiding? Good to know he is healthy . . .. and gorgeous and hot . . .

  8. when u see haters hating u know u r at the top, 一群網路螞蟻 不管你怎麼罵羅志祥 他的成功 不是靠你tmd 在這sogoidea 罵一罵就會有影響的 , just watch the show and enjoy otherwise shut the fuk up bcuz no one cares what u think of him,

  9. 舞魂再現的收音是不是有問題啊?小豬的聲音沒收到,也沒有歌迷的尖叫聲,不過其他首就正常了,好聽!加油!支持!!!!

  10. 舞魂再現收音是不是有問題啊?小豬的聲音沒收到 ,也沒有歌迷的尖叫聲,不過其他首就正常了,好聽,加油!!! 支持!!!!

  11. Ok I admit it, yes I was one of those people that when he bleached his hair I was like what is he thinking it does not suit him at all BUT now I’m a total believer. He is so so HOT and that new dance song is so cool the dance is amazing. I’m defeated by him he wins I love him no matter what.

        • 羅太太有妄想症也不是第一天的事了 而且還更做作
          內心更是小豬最討厭的骯髒型 真虧你們好意思批評別人啊= =
          不爽小豬毛手毛腳就直接去對他說 不要成天只敢怪女方

          • 不要把這種自認羅太太的人抬高了,在醫學上是妄想症,俗稱花痴,可以不用理會.

          • 就是,前不久蝴蝶只不過跟小豬上個通告,也被罵,出於朋友和工作夥伴幫小豬宣傳一下專輯也不為過吧,罵還在大哥微博底下罵,粉絲好歹是偶像門面,真是丟小豬臉丟到家,蝴蝶也和小鬼上同一個通告,相比之下,小鬼的粉絲素質就是比較好

          • 說真的,有些粉絲丟臉丟到別人的微博(你懂)真不知當那些丟臉粉絲的偶像作何感想!

        • 你做作也不是一天兩天的事阿,只會小豬面前裝乖,背後做黑,小人行徑也不少,就是小豬講的壞心腸,有本事就跟你的小豬講阿,叫他離蝴蝶遠點阿

  12. 哈哈 蝴蝶在OH的時候唱成小鬼的超有感 害小鬼那句「怎麼啦」變得好輕柔XD
    話說哈韓也要有個限度吧…看到東西好的就說是韓風 要俗的才是台風?
    韓國的東西也都是抄歐美日本來的 他們也是照樣厚著臉皮在臭屁不是?
    反觀台灣人怎麼老愛長他人志氣 滅自己威風?不用裝得多愛國 但最低限度的自愛還是要有吧

    • 我個人對韓國沒什麼崇拜,袛常聽爸爸說在1988年前常常往韓國吃殘廢餐(即是韓妹脫光衣服陪你吃飯,她用筷子夾菜給你吃,而你用筷子夾她乳頭吧了,當年袛是40美元

    • 韩国的东西不是抄的。他们的大公司一直很注重一点就是要在借鉴西方音乐的基础下在加上自己的东西。韩国音乐如今在世界这么大的影响力你觉得单靠抄就能办到的吗?不用说华人音乐了,现在你甚至会看到欧美开始“抄袭”韩国的一些东西。再说,周董也染金发,也练身体,也弄唱跳,为什么就没人说他抄韩国?因为虽然他借鉴了欧美的r&b,rap,电音等等各种音乐类型,但是他的音乐永远都有他自己的味道。这种人才能真正代表华人音乐。

        • 基本上可以告诉你靠抄的公司是永远搞不大的。而且现在唱片那么难卖,华人音乐线上的唱片公司基本都是有雄厚基础和有条件发掘有自己风格的音乐的。

          • 東立現在是台灣數一數二的漫畫出版社 但一開始也是盜版日本漫畫起家
            日本汽車雖然現在行銷全世界 但最早也是山寨德國汽車起家
            一開始靠抄襲起家 賺到錢後才轉型成大公司自行發展的很多

          • 首先 你已经偏题偏很远了,再来,你举得这些例子在跟我现在说的音乐的性质上有很大的区别,最后,我觉得你是那种跟人讨论一定要说到最后一句话的人。所以,就这样,我不再回了。

          • 發現看錯我的文意了對吧…
            你八成以為我在說韓國直到現在都還在靠抄襲的= =
            如果真的是這樣還能紅到現在 那我只能說演藝圈完蛋了

      • 同意關於周杰倫的評論, 喜不喜愛周式風格是一回事, 但他的音樂確有自己的味道, 雖然一樣猛男金髮造型的搞唱跳, 音樂的結構與編排上卻與所謂韓風或歐美音樂不同, 有清楚的辨識度.
        雖然個人並不喜愛韓國音樂, 但說他們僅靠抄襲就形成風潮確實有欠公允, 他們的音樂的確大半出自許多歐美音樂人之手, 也採用了許多rap 嘻哈或電音等元素, 但最後成品的音樂結構與風格卻與各種傳統常見的歐美樂風有差異, 因此顯見韓國人在主導樂風或選擇合作的音樂人上還是下了一番功夫的

        • 另外我觉得蔡依林也是个很好的例子。大艺术家那张专辑每一首都很好听。而且有比较鲜明的特色。不会有任何的影子。

  13. 哈哈最近不知为什么突然迷上了小猪!以前都觉得还好。
    去翻阅了他以前的作品,还有主持就觉得。。。 很帅很帅哦!

  14. I really love his voice its so sweet and it transmits so much emotion I don’t know what people are talking about he has such a unique and great voice. . . I guess its a matter of opinion. I don’t know what he is saying at all but I would rather hear him than anyone else in my language. As a matter of fact I listen to his slow songs as I do homework or at night when I’m trying to fall asleep because he clams me down. Anyway FELL THE LOVE FOR THE KING!!!!!!!!!!

  15. 純粹個人感覺: 小豬這張專輯與舞蹈應該是我最不欣賞的一張了, 整個韓風的影子隨處可見, 過去的舞曲雖然常被少數黑粉嫌台味濃了些土味多了點, 但至少是他的個人獨具的風格, 也算台得有特色台得可愛. 原本期望做為唱片界一哥就算無法再創新風格殺出一條新血路, 至少也應堅守個人的特色, 結果卻連領頭羊都越來越”隨波”迎合潮流追隨流行. 感覺心態上似乎跟某些只想烤貝韓流的新人無異, 真的還蠻令人失望的, 雖然本身對韓樂無特別好惡, 但就這張專輯而言, 真的直接聽韓樂還顯得更原汁原味些!

    • 我想請問
      到底什麼樣的音樂算是”韓風”呢? 用了多元化的音樂因素是韓風?韓風音樂定義到底在哪?我真的不懂 時代在改變 衣服會有流行跟不流行 音樂也會有 我只想說 為什麼總是要把我們台灣人唱的歌 跟韓風劃上等號

      • 同意 谁叫中韩风毒太深的人太多 例如 By2的没理由 明明曲是美国人德国人和莫斯科人合写的 都会跟韩风划上等号

    • 你有買專輯嗎?韓風隨處可見?未完的承諾、惜命命、獅子吼、61分鐘、如果還有如果、愛我大聲說出來⋯隨便説幾首 請問那來韓風?看到黑影就開槍?你是看到金髮就韓風?

        • 你係咪癲架?!能聽的音樂淨係得呢啲人
          原來你都吾知幾多嘅歌手 就係度比較
          亂cm 係咪蠢架啦

      • 只有買專輯的人才有資格評論?! 我想身為藝人的公開作品應該都可受公評吧, 只要是理性 不用情緒性字眼 不過份貶抑的評價應該都算合宜, 原評論也說了是個人感覺, 就如同你愛這張專輯是你個人自由, 他單純感到失望應該也是個人自由吧!! 而整段評論都只有針對專輯歌曲風格而完全沒有評論造型啊, 跟金不金髮有甚麼關係?!! 還是你自己對他的金髮造型心虛, 所以只要不喜歡的全都歸咎於造型?
        音樂風格是一種由節奏 旋律 編曲所共同創造出來的感覺, 如同搖滾 藍調 鄉村 民謠等音樂風格, 典型的韓風音樂的確有一些基本音樂元素可循, 我已經聽過整張專輯了(是否有資格評論了呢?!) 我也覺得就音樂性而言, 舞曲部分跟許多韓國或甚至目前的泰國舞曲類似並沒有獨特性, 至於非舞曲部份, 相較於其他唱將歌手的歌就更不具獨特性了, 創作部份因為是他實在仍是新手就不忍做太多要求了.
        仍然恭喜小豬新專輯銷售再創佳績, 我也認為他是個努力的藝人, 但不表示所有人都得因為專輯賣得好他粉絲多, 就得喜愛這張新專輯的音樂!!

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