68 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2014-03-19 百分百遊戲王

  1. 一段時間沒看娛百,怎麼多了這麼多黑凱樂的

  2. 逸祥搶毛巾沒搶贏..憤怒鳥沒打中..捏氣球又作弊..躍龍門又沒過..

  3. part 2:
    逸祥:網友說逸祥比kid 好笑,
    kid 的轉數真的很快,又好笑,應該可以成為好笑的主持人!!真的很喜歡有他的娛百。

  4. Think this is a very cute episode 🙂 esp th part after they quarrel, XG shouted “3D angry bird” then all of them ran back to their positions like little kids afraid of getting beaten by their parents. HAHA XD
    And YAY! Kid is finally back!! He is really v.good at making the show alive! 🙂 Can’t wait for more eps with him around!

  5. 小鬼拉弓把吵架的人嚇得鳥獸散那裡有好笑到 XD
    KID真的收了不少 沒有以前衝名聲時那麼瘋狂了 不過效果還是蠻不錯的
    小鬼連三敗了耶 不會跟苦茶詛咒一樣吧…不過這次畫臉逃過一劫 怎麼反而有點失望的樣子= =?

  6. KID always a STAGE supporter welcome back!!!!!!!! Hope you are here more often.
    ps. Yey!!!!! This is a STAGE generation half of the group here wears this brand. I see people wearing STAGE more and more on different TV-show’s. Feel like STAGE is taking a life of its own not only Show fans wear it but also people that discover a love for STAGE.

    • lol
      because he sponsors them?
      i see no one (who’s with a brain) buying his stupidly expensive yet cheaplooking TEEs.
      who but school kids wear tees anyways.

      • LoL hi hater as expected a comment about Show and YOU had to say something. . you must really spit your venom if not you die right. Shut up already!!!!! find another purpose for your life already

          • Rather a fan than a HATER . . .as for brain dead . . .really? that’s your came back who is the no brain here. You must be one of the school kid’s you talk about that wears Show’s brand . . .you react like a spoil kid that hates Show but secretly is in love with him, you are way too much into everything he does.

          • so what? i buy whatever the heck i want. ya call ppl braindead cuz they don’t follow wut YOU think is right or wrong. Who the fuhk r u?

      • ??? if she sponsors them then more power to him and his brand Stage is everywhere, its he 3rd biggest Taiwan brand . . . . . .Stage is more than clothes he is even opening a pastry/café place soon so joke is on you

  7. 說真的,逸祥真的不好笑,而且很不會效果,每次有它在都真吵架,遊戲王再發它我也不想看了。

  8. 这集”有戏王”被kid给弄的活过来了~ 而且到了小鬼打到蝴蝶,kid不敢呛实在太好笑~ 其实后面逸祥铺梗跳时,小鬼看得出已经不知道要说什么了~ 只能说小鬼队不能在输了啦!派好一点的队员啊~ 厉害的都在蝴蝶队像上次大野,这次kid。

    • 你根本就是討厭愷樂嘛…. 整集看下來也不過一小段憤怒鳥那邊,你就把他放大。而且只是做效果。無聊沒事做就滾啦。不喜歡就不要看。

    • 愷樂喊痛KID為她出頭罵逸祥不敢罵小鬼這很好笑、、


  9. 娛百真的該檢討了.玩一樣的遊戲.請一樣這些來賓.不能老是靠kid啊!!!!完全娛樂的遊戲比較有創意.而且會找當紅偶像玩遊戲

  10. KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • yup. i’ve seen him in other shows before too. was just wondering why he hasn’t been to yb for so long. thanks for the clear up. ps: i feel that he looks most at home/ free-est here. like he belongs here the most

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