娛樂百分百 2014-06-12 藝能發表會 陳彥允

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

15 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2014-06-12 藝能發表會 陳彥允

  1. 陳彥允還不錯!!不輸Super junior的Henry喔!!多才多藝.能唱歌能創作.能跳舞.能拉小提琴.有前途!!只要再放開來一點!!

  2. 凯乐好自以为哦!难道都听不出来那些艺人都在说客套话吗? == 难怪他跟小甜甜那么好。两個自以为的人。

    • 你再說那裡啊?桃花哪裡嗎?愷樂效果作很好啊 -.- 不然要說什麼?騙人。我不相信你哦。這樣場面不就冷掉嗎? 第一天看綜藝嗎?還是嫉妒心太重?!

    • 唉…都說沒地方黑就別硬黑了 挑這什麼莫名其妙的骨頭= =
      這下被吐槽了吧 可悲的怨女…

      • i can’t believe you’re serious. What kind of backwards thinking is this? Are you living in the 40’s? Women don’t have to get married at 30 and have kids anymore. They can choose to work. She chose to work and not get married, not the other way round and I applaud her for that.

      • 你一口氣罵了一堆包括小豬在內的大牌未婚藝人耶= =”
        光是羅氏經紀公司就不可能准許剛簽下來的藝人去交男朋友 更別說結婚了

  3. I don’t really get Alien’s humor… he’s kinda…. lame. but today’s guest is so talented and good looking. I def think he’ll become huge in the future.

    • Gui has no humor at all so don’t worry it’s not that you don’t get it. He thinks he is Mr. big shot for some time now. . . . . that only adds to how lame he has always been.

      • Yup. Just because he’s released some albums and all, he thinks he’s a big wig now. Kind of like a joke though because he’s not really that famous anyway.

        • Now that we are the subject have any seen him at hito his performance was laughable. I respected him more when he did not pretended to be a dancer, he does think he is such a big deal now his fans were cheering loudly when he came out at hito and you could see in his face he was probably thinking yes I know I got this but then during his performance it was like a plane crash. I was painful to the max. I’m sorry to his fans i’m honestly not hating its just my opinion he needs to stop pretending he is a dancing performer and just do what he does best.

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