13 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2014-07-09 粉絲同樂會 陳彥允

  1. 敖犬要繼續加油!!!雖然你已經放得算蠻開的了,但是主持的技巧還有待加強喔!!你要加油喔!!!

    • Really? I think he saved this episode. Multiple times I laughed only cause of his jokes. Maybe I’ve a soft spot for lame jokes.

    • lame Xiao gui is a joke he is so bad his face decided to look old as a protest. what does this has to do with your comment well nothing but at least what I say is the truth

  2. On Monday with Xiao Gui, with linda on Tuesday and owodog on Wednesday no matter with who he is with he is always the center of attention and the best.

  3. I like when Owodog or Kid are here they always keep Show on his toes and push him out of rutine. Those two are usually unpredictable/crazy and it pushes Show to be extra cute like today when he tried to do the over the leg jump. Props to Owodog hope to see more of him hosting with Show.

  4. Xiao Zhu: Christmas! Christmas!
    Owodog: Circus man
    OMG Xioa Zhu lol!!!!!!!!!
    ps. Dancing Boy is crazy he scares me lol so funny he and Xiao Zhu.

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