TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
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TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". July 15, 2014 Tipster Rednimer
The society in which we live in is driven by people spreading love, peace and tolerance. No one said it’s not ok for you to hate but you made it sound like hating is the right thing to do.
-.- Are you serious? Most kpop stars have went under the knife. 9 out of 10 of them have. Even if they already look “naturally appealing”, plastic surgery is a staple to “enhance their looks.” And all the heavy makeup and stuff play a huge role. I was shocked to see some male kpop stars bare faced are as shocking as seeing females barefaced. I don’t know what you have against Show but imo I think he’s pretty talented and well deserves his spot in the Cpop industry. Regardless you like him or not, he is influential. I feel like most people just bash on Taiwanese pop artist and worship Korean idols just for the sake that they are Korean. Grow up please.
Meh. I don’t hate Kpop. I just find it amusing and hypocritical that so many people bash Cpop and worship Kpop when actually both of them have their own strong suits. Sure there are crappy singers in the Cpop scene recently, but I’m not talking about the trolls like jipaimei, I’m talking real hardworking talented singers. Regarding Show, I guess I’m the opposite of you. I used to hate him but saw his performance in a concert recently and I was surprised to see that he is actually really talented. I agree that he comes off as arrogant on tv shows but I think as of recently he’s been pretty humble so I’ll give him that. I don’t see how he was off putting in this episode at least.
lol were trying to spell google? or did you copied me? because mine is correct my nickname is Goggle (have big eyes) nothing to do with google . . . sorry but you are a pathetic loser and hater. Don’t use my nickname if you don’t even know what it means. By the way your attempts to attack Show are the fake ones they look so force doing a comment just to be notice like pathetic Xiao gui that is a relevant as a potato.
沈秦先生 我真佩服您耶 fb反羅頁被拿下就來這裡罵他 而且還寫那麼多 有沒有那麼有空 這麼關心羅志祥的前途!! 🙂 謝謝你哦 就如羅所說 你們都是他最大的貴人 辛苦你了 要照顧自己的生活又要兼顧羅志祥的前途 常常指點他該怎麼做個好人怎麼有個成功的人生! 多虧你他做到了 你呢? 記得好好照顧自己也是 不要為了羅忽略自己生命了哦! 謝謝您一直以來對他的支持和溺愛 我真的好想知道 他對你做了甚麼讓您如此愛他呢? 根本比身為豬迷的我還給力幾萬倍呢…. >.< *慚愧*
謝謝你讓我更瞭解羅志祥生命中的大貴人!! 我們應該尊重他。畢竟他用了十幾年在羅志祥身上 犧牲了自己的青春只希望羅志祥能好! 這麼偉大無私的奉獻真的讓我佩服得五體投地!! 沈秦,謝謝您!! Orz 🙂
看本人也很白 (全身皮膚都白 不是只有臉喔) 也實在超級嬌小
樓下一群(一個) hater作祟 請勿浪費時間去看和評論。:) 羅志祥這集都沒做甚麼錯態度也很OK都可以被罵成這樣 是不是有點奇怪? 嗯。我猜大部分是某人的粉絲看不慣別人在前幾集說他主持功力不及小豬 又不想黑到某,想掩飾自己是他粉絲才在這集暴怒發洩是吧? 哎呀冷靜點。。人家都是推理分析出來的馬!! ^^ 強調我這是有根據的推理猜測 某迷們不要在下一個沒有某阿飄的集來罵我的呀 好怕好怕><" 還是得稱讚樓下的粉還是蠻聰明的咧!
亞洲舞王是自封而已 也不是有什麼比賽比出來的 何必認真呢
Seriously… is it that big of a deal? If you don’t like it that he’s hosting just don’t freaking watch it. Y’all haters are annoying af.
我沒說不喜歡某人的人不可以批評吧? 額…. 哈哈
The society in which we live in is driven by people spreading love, peace and tolerance. No one said it’s not ok for you to hate but you made it sound like hating is the right thing to do.
領域完全不一樣怎麼比丫..? 羅志祥是唱跳歌手 又是一個人撐起全場 EXO是對嘴舞蹈團體 而且人數多這麼多:) 再說 紅的不是EXO是他們的公司SM吧哈哈。怎麼可能一群娘炮一出來就那麼紅 根本就是SM的推持。樓主請不要為了hate而hate好不要討厭也有點理智拿點值得提的話題出來嘛:3
沒SM的包裝與資源 EXO很可能ㄧ個也紅不起來….
不提倡整容 只是因為成了全民運動所以檯面上不用再提 身邊很多韓國朋友承認送子女整形作為成人禮物 既然連素人都整 明星整型當然不算新聞啦
错。越来越多素人整是肯定的。但是明星,特别是sm yg jyp这些大公司这几年出来的偶像团体绝大多数都是天然的。一看就就能看得出来没整,一大堆都是小眼睛塌鼻子的。这些公司更多的把钱砸在培训和治装上面。而且现在韩流越做越大,这方面的人才越来越多,外貌才艺兼具的人也自然更容易找到。
-.- Are you serious? Most kpop stars have went under the knife. 9 out of 10 of them have. Even if they already look “naturally appealing”, plastic surgery is a staple to “enhance their looks.” And all the heavy makeup and stuff play a huge role. I was shocked to see some male kpop stars bare faced are as shocking as seeing females barefaced. I don’t know what you have against Show but imo I think he’s pretty talented and well deserves his spot in the Cpop industry. Regardless you like him or not, he is influential. I feel like most people just bash on Taiwanese pop artist and worship Korean idols just for the sake that they are Korean. Grow up please.
以前至少8成是整的 这个谁都知道。注意看我说的是这几年来新推出的。然后,错,应该是大多数人因为一些韩国偶像是韩国人而喊着爱国的口号拼命讨厌和抹黑他们,却完全不反省一下华语乐坛为什么一直出来一些鸡排妹 这类的“歌手”。这些人才需要grow up吧。然后我以前也喜欢过罗志祥,他的歌艺舞艺不说,观众缘还是有的。但是他红了后,在节目上的一些表现和一些言论 让人很反感。无风不起浪,罗志祥真的变了。
Meh. I don’t hate Kpop. I just find it amusing and hypocritical that so many people bash Cpop and worship Kpop when actually both of them have their own strong suits. Sure there are crappy singers in the Cpop scene recently, but I’m not talking about the trolls like jipaimei, I’m talking real hardworking talented singers. Regarding Show, I guess I’m the opposite of you. I used to hate him but saw his performance in a concert recently and I was surprised to see that he is actually really talented. I agree that he comes off as arrogant on tv shows but I think as of recently he’s been pretty humble so I’ll give him that. I don’t see how he was off putting in this episode at least.
Totally agree!!
哈..你居然相信韓國經紀公司, 連我很多韓國朋友都認為他們常為錢說謊也不惜犧牲藝人
大部分新藝人也有整的(這可是韓國朋友說的喔) 只是不再那麼明顯 他們稱為自然整形(我很多朋友的小孩都麼整的) 主要讓臉型看起來較消瘦些立體些而已 即使雙眼皮或開眼頭等也不強調大眼了 (因為過去流行的真的和韓國臉差太多太假了)
韓流很強勢 韓國人很團結是事實 但也別天真到盲目相信媒體上告訴你的
这不关媒体告诉我什么。我不是白痴。这纯属我自己的观察。反正如果有整还长那样的话那也没必要斟酌有没有整了。因为弄完真的也不怎么样。就我观察,这些偶像宁愿上更厚的妆也不愿意开刀。如果像打玻尿酸那种微调的话 我相信哪一国的明星都有。反正bottom line就是现在这些公司更看重的艺人的才艺和观众缘就是了。更多明星微整容也是出自自己的意愿。别的公司不敢下定论,yg是肯定就是这样。
哈哈 說到韓式整型當然不是指只有短期效果的玻尿酸或脈衝光之流的
要不要繼續相信謊言是你的選擇 我也不好說對錯…..
u shut the fuck up little useless pussy
omg why is show again!!! wtf cant stand his same kind of joke again and again!!! and his fake smile wtf!!
lol were trying to spell google? or did you copied me? because mine is correct my nickname is Goggle (have big eyes) nothing to do with google . . . sorry but you are a pathetic loser and hater. Don’t use my nickname if you don’t even know what it means. By the way your attempts to attack Show are the fake ones they look so force doing a comment just to be notice like pathetic Xiao gui that is a relevant as a potato.