娛樂百分百 2014-08-04 藝能大擂台 Description: Episodes: 娛樂百分百 2012-05-01 郭雪芙我家也有大明星<<1...351352353354355356 TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5? TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". August 4, 2014 Tipster Rednimer
Are half of the audience kid’s fan? why so many people voted for him when his performance is so-so. Reply ↓
I think it is because the audience do not know the other two people and they know Kid so they vote for him, plus at certain times, Kid is pretty funny Reply ↓
I like what Show’s wearing today. Simple and handsome. And this episode is so funny lol. Kid is insane Reply ↓
算命那段頗好笑 (李志祥 :D)
若真讓KID入主持群 專門負責遊戲王其實也蠻不錯的 不過他現在一定比以前貴上不少…
Are half of the audience kid’s fan? why so many people voted for him when his performance is so-so.
I think it is because the audience do not know the other two people and they know Kid so they vote for him, plus at certain times, Kid is pretty funny
因為他敢 你看發片的多斯文.. 看到悶
I like what Show’s wearing today. Simple and handsome. And this episode is so funny lol. Kid is insane