45 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2014-09-18 舞蹈爆表大賽

  1. 蝴蝶姐姐就是唱歌不太行而且有年纪了,她的舞台表现力跟蔡依林,萧亚轩这些比根本不是同一个level的。随便练练就这样了,要是像歌手那样认真准备一条舞那还得了。

    • before u comment “xiaozhu cant dance” take a look at some of his clips . which part of him he cant dance?? bet ur eyes have something wrong. his dancing is locking style if u dont no anything about dance .. pls shut up

      • Btw, he said xiaozhu cant dance AS WELL AS e wu or xiaocao.. Its a comparison. Honestly, im a fan of xz but i do agree that he cant dance as well as those professional dancers and many other professional dancers out there. But im sure he’s so awesome to be able to dance+ sing at the same time cuz it’s reeeally hard, even Damove proved it xD so pls be rational and read what the orig. comment says before scolding..

  2. 恶武老师们很厉害,他们一跳就知道是专业的,但是看愷樂跳舞会让人忍不住投入的看下去(有点小失误不影响欣赏啦)。至少作为观众,我还是要投愷樂一票~

  3. 惡武跟春櫻應該分兩組跳吧…人實在太多了 不過大概是時間不夠的關係
    還蠻開心的一集 今天豬的主持跟樂的舞蹈都不錯看

  4. Kaile is so good at dancing! There’s something about her when she dances, thats just so charismatic and attractive. Love her she should dance more!

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