娛樂百分百 2014-10-08 好友音樂會 安心亞 莫允雯

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Tipster Rednimer

26 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2014-10-08 好友音樂會 安心亞 莫允雯

  1. 愷樂自己也沒說 你們這些人就用自己的想法 角度去幫她發聲
    第一 羅志祥是她的偶像 又怎麼會討厭他 第二 羅志祥的確主持很久 會懂得問什麼問題去訪問別人 他也是教愷樂可以用什麼角度問 才不會那麼悶 有娛樂效果 第三 羅志祥是他的老闆 在公在私也希望她好 所以才簽她 讓她有新嘗試 不再做姐姐 去主持其他的 也有讓她學唱歌什麼的 想栽培她 讓她發片 所以 如果愷樂真的覺得受委屈 會不會簽他的公司啊?用腦袋想一下就知道一切都是節目效果啦 不然怎麼會搞笑 怎麼會讓你們有討論空間?

  2. whether a person is a good host or not should not be determined by his own fans. obviously there would be some bias there. those who are not his fans, or the general mass audience, would be a better judge. There is no need to call those who criticise his hosting as “haters”.

    • Not really. Fans know the real characteristics of Show and the relationship between Show and Butterfly, so fans will clarify the problem. And the most important thing is that if they are not haters, there’s not necessary to attack Show verbally instead of saying he can be better if he hosts in another way.

  3. Omg haters cant wait to criticize Show. . . and for stupid things worse of all. The guest were being boring as hell there was no energy what did Show do? He stir things up a little by acting mad/strong just to have a type of reaction and it worked. The guest were a little awkward yes but overall they had fun and the audience as well. This awkward episode was still funny but haters cant wait to hate. Since he is back he has delivered amazing episode after amazing episode he is the best host and they give him shit about his . . .bunch of losers shut up.

  4. 罗志祥就算要求严格,也是为了愷樂好。小猪平时对愷樂多好啊,每年送的生日礼物都是大手笔,想要一个人成长,要有慈有严,但是不管是如何表达方式,目的只有一个,为了愷樂好

    • 想太多。。。羅志祥哪有這麼高尚阿。。。小鬼送愷樂也很大手筆,小鬼有一直嗆一直兇愷樂麼?愷樂也送羅志祥很大手筆,愷樂也有一直嗆一直兇羅志祥麼?羅志祥一直搶話一直發脾氣,輪到愷樂來賓要表現的時侯,卻阻止她們,自己狂搶戲,也叫為了愷樂好?

      • Uhhh what a joke, do u know how much was the present Show gave to Butterfly cost? Just because its from the same brand does not mean they’re equally expensive, i’m not familiar with chanel makeup stuff but im estimating the bag is somewhere around 10x more expensive. Dont even mention about butterfly’s gifts to Show. I wouldnt get anyone such a gift if i dont give a fuck about them, there’s hundreds or thousands of friends u meet in ur whole life, are u going to gift them all a Chanel bag for their bday?

          • Who cares? So you mean the more expensive something you gave others is the more authorities you’ll have over them? LOL.

        • 你還真天才。。。我說的大手筆是以他們經濟能力收入許可為前提,禮物價錢高低也不等於人品高低,講主持方式拿禮物來說嘴,追星追到腦袋壞掉了麼

          • 我送你一個昂貴的禮物之後再一直兇你也算對你好噢? 哈哈追星的邏輯 所以友情或是搭擋之間的感情是以禮物的價值衡量的

  5. 你们这些没脑的废人。。。 你们会主持吗? 不会还在这里废话聊天,这个叫做节目效果。。。 罗志祥和愷樂是好朋友所以愷樂一定不在意而且罗志祥也帮愷樂不少。。。 你们不要这么小心眼了。。。

    • 你這才叫腦殘,難道我和你媽是好朋友,我X你媽也不用介意,因為這也是為你媽的性慾效果?那我等如幫了你媽不少.

  6. 罗志祥这几年想转型 走”狮子吼“式的“霸气”路线。就跟小s一样,老了就走“气质贵妇”路线。骨子里没有的东西怎么装都不像。反而失去了观众群。

  7. 真的很不喜欢小猪这种一直骂人一直呛别人的主持风格。愷樂还算坚强, 作为一个女生应该会很受伤很想哭吧。一直这样被攻击。还是喜欢欢乐的主持方式

      • 不一樣,愷樂喜歡的大男人是必要時要有魄力的適時維護型,有擔當會尊重女性,而不是凡事要非得捧他,圍著他為中心,稍不順他意,就發脾氣,自以為是自大東吼西罵的人

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