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[YT] and im sure everyone knows who the 狗杂种is.
[YT] You know something’s gotta be wrong be everyone hates u.
Too bad somebody is too thick to realise that.
Ok, make it two person.
yx*z and s*g**v*.
[YT] You know something’s gotta be wrong be everyone hates u.
Too bad somebody is too thick to realise that.
Ok, make it two person.
yx*z and s*g**v*.
[YT] makiyo 這髮型好像妹妹, 年輕多了…
[YT] 可以把林智賢拿去丟嗎??
[YT] 公仔 模型可以放玻璃櫥櫃裡,不會沾灰的啦~我就這樣…
[YT] 康永哥的表情好好笑喔
[YT] 天阿這集好難看
[YT] guys just relax,why bother about what he said?he probably don’t dare to say all these in real life.
we should pray for this lost soul:D
[YT] 茵茵是不是有去動臉呀?
[YT] 茵茵是不是有去動臉呀?
[YT] 我有音乐盒哈哈~ 这么小的东西没必要丢吧~
[YT] sky-pe?? LOL
[YT] 音樂盒懸空轉當然沒有音量… 請給它共鳴箱, 麻煩放在桌上.
[YT] 小S冷飯也炒太久了吧.
[YT] 這集好無聊==
[YT] 趙正平不是不來康熙嘛?
[YT] 茵茵(好像菌菌)
[YT] just leave it if they dont have interesting topic…..
[YT] 冤冤相报何时了?
[YT] 羅北安老師感覺脾氣好好呀,,
常常笑笑的, 很像一些佛, 哈哈
[YT] 這集帶來的東西,他們應該都不想帶回家吧
[YT] 豬肉乾不能帶到美國….連滿漢都不能帶了= =
[YT] 這個星期的康熙都很沒趣
[YT] 5:11羅老師拿到音樂盒在轉那邊超像小孩的好可愛
[YT] 沒有指明道姓的罵人也是罵人。你那麼喜歡罵。也嚐嚐被人罵甚麼滋味阿!
[YT] (SKYPE P)! Lols….
[YT] 淋稚嫌自己應該限跳進回收桶才對
[YT] makiyo下一集媽媽桑的味道又跑出來了!!!估計是之前錄滴。。。
[YT] 陰陰部是大學生錄影出來的嗎? 好奇的問一下…
[YT] 雖然makiyo被很多明星用過了,但是我還是想用一下!
[YT] To be honest, I never feel tired and bored. In fact you`ll know my comments were not pointless…This show is never going to have interesting topics to continue.
Why don`t you say these to others comment leavers instead?
[YT] 銀陰跟招歌差差不多兩輪,撮合個屁啊? 是要人家怎樣選? 是想人家得罪別人? 還是要她說兩個她都要然后不得罪人家?
[YT] 学生证我也赞成留住,留着作纪念。
[YT] Everyone. Just ignore sugoilove la. Ignore him, he have no one to play with, no one to bother him, he will get bored of his pointless speech and he will leave. Get on with life and the interesting videos put up for us.
[YT] Social Security Card doesn’t expire..WTF??
[YT] 哈哈…最後還是要整趙哥做結尾…好!!
[YT] 安全裤拉,跳舞的人更本不在乎这个的。肯定要有跳舞的准备
[YT] 不是走光啦..應該是裙子呀…
[YT] And can you please don`t fucking come and tell me that I am the only one who leaves negative comments. Why won`t you fucking say that to others?
[YT] 哈哈、日式英語!她好像說:music book!
[YT] 我沒有指責別人,我只是罵空氣。我從來沒有指明道姓的罵人!!!
[YT] You don`t know what freedom of speech is, huh? If you could only hear good things. I recommend you consider immigrating to communism country, North Korea perhaps?
In there you would never hear negatives.
[YT] I don`t see the point. So, I assume you are trying to humiliate me by saying no one loves me? Pathetic? I feel pathetic when I have no money but these people on the show make money by saying something I used to say and call it 綜藝效果。
[YT] Makiyo的新髮型好看耶!kawai、之前的髮型都太風塵味了點點、現在才是真正日本M的樣子嘛!
[YT] 陰陰要學英文可以找我啊,不收妳錢,不過上課時間只限半夜,而且一定要在妳閨房,而且不能有第三者在場
[YT] 真的看不出來~北安兄有留美~好厲害
[YT] 蔡老gay又在嫉妒羅北安在戲劇上的成就了,因為他老gay本身學電影卻一事無成,只能靠著攀附小s紅起來,真的個廢物
[YT] 請問蔡老gay,什麼叫原文書?台灣很多白痴總是覺得英文書=原文書,歐洲經典與世界文學的原文都是英文,原你老木啦白痴
[YT] 蔡康永把煤油灯给a走了
[YT] 蔡康永把煤油灯给a走了
[YT] 蔡老gay八成又在嫉妒兆症平有被專訪
[YT] 羅北安沒了那些證件,絕對不會有人相信他留美
[YT] 羅北安沒了那些證件,絕對不會有人相信他留美
[YT] 化妝真的可以徹徹底底地改頭換面
[YT] 化妝真的可以徹徹底底地改頭換面
[YT] 真的很無聊~
[YT] 真的很無聊~
[YT] that music box you have to put it on top of wooden tables to play it to hear the music….
[YT] “Imagine” is not sung the Beattle’s, its by John Lennon :S
[YT] sugoilove u can go fuck another idiot who come to this channel called yxuz, u guys are same kind fucking retard and attention seeking jerk, u guys should go fuck togehter and dont come here bother ppl
[YT] @sugoilove, u r so pathetic, guess u have no one love u at all…
[YT] so what = 說話的台灣國語 阿哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 這個好
[YT] 8:58 因因走光了。
[YT] 羅北安笑起來好可愛=)
[YT] 6:21 趙哥: 真他媽醜 哈哈哈哈哈哈 ^^”
[YT] 我就是看不慣你。你憑甚麼自責別人?
[YT] 那你這個狗雜種怎麼會中文阿?
[YT] ^^ s今天這套搭配的很正
[YT] 好久不見makiyo
[YT] 如果那個小熊是羅志祥的~應該很多人搶著要吧!!!哈哈哈^^
[YT] 下一集张克帆那句话好贱。
[YT] makiyo說music box好可愛 哈哈
[YT] 可是有劈腿BEN
[YT] 趙哥又被整到了! xD
[YT] 藏的好久好啦! xD hehe
[YT] 死娘娘腔在裝什麼少女啊
[YT] 我寧願看下一集
[YT] 招歌穿過因該會賣不錯的價錢!!!
[YT] maki’s new hair is super cute!
kawii ~o~
[YT] 我不會和你有口舌之爭,除非你說你是新加坡人。我跟新加坡雜碎杠上了!!!
[YT] 鱗痔鹹不把著招歌真的是一點看頭都沒有!!!
[YT] 幹嘛這樣罵自己的同類阿?
[YT] makiyo 直髮還滿好看的耶!!!
[YT] 還有新加坡政府把它們的國民培養成為白癡,只會奉公守法的白癡。這不是狗是啥?
[YT] 新加坡人其實很可憐耶!!!他們的祖先當年被人從大陸賣到新馬當勞工,服務英國人當奴才。英國人給口飯吃,它們當他們是神,覺得他們的語言很高級。
[YT] 說新加坡人沒文化真沒錯!!!演藝圈優秀的新加坡人都不在新加坡發展跑來臺灣發展,可見新加坡真爛。新加坡狗,如果不爽的話叫那些新加坡籍的回去發片啊。。。
[YT] 這集很適合新家坡狗耶!!!都是垃圾。
[YT] 啊!!!忘了狗雜種不會中文,他們只會跟英國主人溝通。
[YT] show is right for not letting everyone know who is gf is cuz even wen they breakup…they will always be linked together no matter wat
[YT] Come on asshole If you wanna fight with me in English.
[YT] 真不明白新加坡狗雜種在以為英文好高興個啥勁啊!!! 所謂英文好只不過是被英國人殖民英國人把他們當狗教它們說人話罷了!!!諷刺的是新加坡狗雜種認為英文講不好很丟臉,深怕自己被人取笑不會說國際語言。這就猶如狗怕主人因為不明白他們的狗話拼了老命在學英文。
[YT] 恩
可是一定需要很大的陽台(or 鄉下 院子裡) 晚上一邊喝咖啡or Tea 黑夜人靜吹一下就息了.
好有感覺 so peaceful xD
[YT] 赵哥又来了。。爽!
[YT] 都欺負羅老師,那麼有紀念意義的東西,居然和這些烏七八糟的混為一談,還第一個丟
[YT] 送来的根本就是自己也觉得要丢的
[YT] 东西都好没创意哦
[YT] 那个假发还不如陈汉典戴的那个好看,哈哈~~
[YT] 你這低級的評論想表達什麼?
[YT] 为什么每到过年前节目就很烂阿。。。
[YT] 8:58
[YT] 我跟陰陰
[YT] 少耍白痴了~
[YT] oh, and before he starts, fuck u yxuz!
[YT] here’s $100.
mr s*g*i “chinglish” l*v* will come and provide us with his daily dose of himself, trash.
taiwanese trash.
[YT] 5:27打雷的效果好好笑
[YT] 煤油燈放在家中做擺設也很精緻呀
[YT] 第一次沙发!!!