康熙來了 2012-12-28 fixed 歌手以歌猜禮物交換會

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162 thoughts on “康熙來了 2012-12-28 fixed 歌手以歌猜禮物交換會

  1. 雖說禮物不用買的,用做的也是可以很有意義



    •   清手煮的一鍋熱騰騰的紅豆紫米粥不好? 喝了希望能帶給喝的人溫暖並且提醒他要去珍惜跟愛的人有的時光, 不好嗎? 這裡面都有解釋! 你根本沒在聽別人解釋的!

  2. 梁xx那个女生还真是矫情 带这么没心思的礼物来还非要塞上亲情故事 搞p啊 而且主持人说杯子可以送纳豆的时候还装没听见 果然就是不该红 不会做人怎么红

  3. I think 梁一貞 is pretty! I mean first impression, I think her personality and her singing are both pretty okay! Learn from Claire, and you will do pretty well!

  4.  What is everyone so freaked about? 家家的礼物 is pretty funny! 家家probably thought it would be a really fun present! It’s not a bad thing! It’s not like she put rocks in the box or something!

    • 真的…蜘蛛? 隨便一間文具店可以買螢光棒? 自己家裡雜物堆找的吧香蕉? 家裡剛好有 所以帶來一些
      紅豆湯? 前一晚臨時想煮的吧…
      若有誤解 不好意思,但真的禮物都太沒意義了…

      •  紅豆湯 is a really thoughtful gift! 你為什麼一定要那麼笨! 別人的用心看不出來! 蜘蛛滿有趣的啊! 泡麵可以吃! 護膝也可以用! 寫真也很不錯! 你要怎麼樣? 朋友給你禮物你一定是東挑挑西挑挑的那種紙人! 看到好的禮物也不會懂的欣賞! 沒有心只有外殼!

      •  清手煮的一鍋熱騰騰的紅豆紫米粥不好? 喝了希望能帶給喝的人溫暖並且提醒他要去珍惜跟愛的人有的時光, 不好嗎? 這裡面都有解釋! 你是故意罵人還是根本沒看完?

    •  I think everyone’s gift is pretty okay…well except for the girl that gave that flower thing with her own picture in it…makes me feel like she’s just trying to advertise herself!

    • It’s not even about the gifts, it about have fun happy memories with love ones! Giving a spider counts as fun memory! Stupid!

  5. 我也怕蜘蛛,所以如果是我收到那個蜘蛛,倒是不會當場灑淚,但是一定會臉僵。而且我喜歡打球跑步,所以我會很喜歡那只護膝,但是身為女生,真得對於Rain一點也不感興趣。至於這些唱歌的人,不是他們唱的不好聼,只是也許是我耳拙,真的覺得他們沒有特色,曲調和拍子雖然都很准,但聼著都一樣,在ktv這樣的人多了。

      • guo jing came out as a ballad singer and less the idol type. 陶妍霖 did debut as an idol who can sing. there’s a difference made at the start of the two of them already soo.. but 陶妍霖’s voice is recognizable so i think she’ll do better in the future 🙂 btw i’m a guo jing fan.

        • That’s okay! I support Claire! 陶妍霖 is f’in annoying! She will not do better at all! Better to be serious singer than some stupid idol!

  6. 一本正經的說︰知足… 蜘蛛呀.. 笑翻我﹗ 如果有天阿信唱知足不是叫大家把螢幕點亮,而是放蜘蛛,現在應該「high翻了」XDDDDD

    • 他唱片公司的宣傳企劃做得不夠好啦, 

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