康熙來了 2013-03-29 誰才能博得林俊傑歡心?

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Tipster Rednimer

66 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-03-29 誰才能博得林俊傑歡心?

  1. 林俊傑哪裡有“難伺候”?! 那麼有才的藝人,被請來這節目,硬要塞一些有的沒的綜藝卡給他。瑤瑤勒!惡心!

  2. lol beside jj the guy , he thinks he is good looking and famous! dont joke plz! choose here choose there LOL . dream on!

  3. damn, i’ve been a hardcore jj fan for like 6 years and i had an idea of what kind of girls hes into from his previous interviews and stuff, but this episode shed a whole new light on him. he’s like surprisingly really hard to please, but you can easily trick him at the same time, LOL.

    anyways awesome performance at the end as always. love his friendship with harry! they’re hilarious together. and they both look so good here.

  4. 是汉典笨,还是他真的那么没有见识。英文说不好,连JJ要上节目,他的歌,也起码知道一两首名字吧。给人感觉好不专业。

    • 很多人或许更挑,只不过不敢说出来。而且每个人都有自己的要求和标准但有时候就是难以解释

  5. 整集節目的笑點在小S和蔡。陳文茜和呂秀蓮超爆笑。呂秀蓮被蔡捅一刀,暗示陳比呂聰明。

  6. 目前阶段的康熙和国光比起来真是差太多了。要不是s和康永主持估计节目都已经被收了。

  7. 康熙应该把重点放在林俊杰的专辑或关于他的一些鲜为人知的事。反而,他们却在宣传自己的新节目《全民大笑花》的卡司。真是无趣。

  8. 為什麼大明星來不好好做訪問要搞這種選妃之類的橋段?

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