康熙來了 2013-05-06 他們都是志同道合的運動好友

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48 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-05-06 他們都是志同道合的運動好友

  1. 华人界最被高估的艺人有很多,举个例子,谢娜,小s。




  2. 蔡康永真的是無腦,憑什麼自稱讀書人。小S是花瓶,本來就該耍白痴,如果連他都一起蠢,誰會想看兩個沒水準的人主持?

  3. 主持人 真的沒有深度…

    • 这是台湾的整体风格,综艺节目搞笑第一,因为他们觉得有深度的谈话在台湾没有市场,可能他们对自己的观众的素质比较没信心把。

  4. 我觉得张克帆活的很有滋味啊,既然没有家庭的压力,自己一个人开开心心的怎样都好

  5. a lot of pro golfers aren’t as fit as other pro athletes.. it isn’t a cardio sport after all……it is indeed more a like a life style, and even more, a mental exercise. that’s why it sounds weird to me that there are food booths on golf course. Won’t ppl buying food distract golfers? In US, ppl even stops their golf carts to wait for player to swing…..

  6. 张克帆已经到了孔子朝闻道,夕死可矣的境界


  7. 康永在最后一part克帆讲完和80岁伯伯打球后所说的话,真的让我有一种以后不想再看他节目到感觉。

  8. 這集很好看 學到了東西 而且蠻好笑的

    像是一對朋友在聊自己的事 很不錯!
    比那集 我真的覺得我比你好看 好多了
    内容又不好笑 又膚淺 又沒有意義

  9. Golf is life. It teaches you to compete with yourself, and learn to let go of the past and focus on the present. And, golf is not a sports for old people, it requires hip and knee flexibility, stamina to walk the course, and concentration shot after shot. I wish I had started when I was young.

    • Your description indeed fits for many sports…but i have to say it’s good to train the mental fitness.
      By the way, if you’re going to maintain your physical fitness and health, you would better do some aerobic exercise instead.

  10. Seems like KangXi can only get the same celebrities over and over. That Ma Guo guy and Ke Fan guy have been on so many episodes the past month…my God.

    • It is the same with most of the shows and not only Kang Xi but at least on Kang Xi, they get the occasional big stars.

    • 你錯了..Golf是很累人的 第1個打擊點要走到第2個打擊點都很遠 幾乎要打好幾個小時 要一直走一直走 直到國領 所以其實還是有運動到 運動量大概每天跑3公里

  11. 這集意外的好看!看到一人不一樣的一面,很有內容,也很有笑點。別的節目雖然也聊過類似的,卻沒這麼精彩

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