康熙來了 2013-07-17 女明星夏日儀容突擊檢查!

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44 thoughts on “康熙來了 2013-07-17 女明星夏日儀容突擊檢查!

  1. 有谁知道遥遥的那个粉色水桶包是哪个牌子?那里可以买到。。求知道的告诉我。谢谢!!

  2. 整集本来就是要做广告的,结果所有来宾都被整了。后来可能是主持人不好意思,就又给她们机会展示她们的商品,可是却又被批的很惨。凡是在康熙做广告的都没有好下场

  3. 成份有螢光劑就白啦…有聲譽的品牌都禁用,還以為好東西,噴出液態氮就會冷,但肯定不能直接噴皮膚,噴到衣物也撐不過20秒涼快。

  4. High SPF does not equal to better protection. It’s a misconception.
    High SPF only blocks UVB which causes sunburn but not UVA from the sun.
    Meanwhile, UVA is more harmful and causes skin aging and initiate skin cancer.
    Instead of using a high SPF sunscreen, they should go for suncreen with broad spectrum protection of both UVA and UVB. Many people are misled by the false sense of security from high SPF products( just like the lady who is showing off her high SPF sunblock )and end up extending their time in the sun and expose themselves to health risk. Therefore many countries are imposing law to regulate the sales of sunscreen higher than SPF 50 to stop manufacturer from pushing sales of their products based on the misleding SPF figure like what the doctor says.

    • True. I’m surprised the dermatologist didn’t cut in and tell her that her SPF 110 doesn’t mean she can just apply once and not re-apply for 5 hours, like she boasted about. The sad thing about those spray sunscreens the girls were showing off is that the majority of them are very high in alcohol content (characteristic of any aerosol spray sunscreen, actually) and are likely very high in irritating fragrances. The cooling sensation they keep talking about is derived from menthol, which is irritating to the skin when applied over time, too.

      At least the dermatologist did mention that SPF should stop at 50 (at least by law in Taiwan). He should have further noted that SPF 50 is where everyone should cap at when buying sunscreen – anything over isn’t doing you any more good.

      I think at the end of the day, these shows (esp. 女人我最大) is all about marketing, and no one will warn people about the bad ingredients featured in products shown. You have to do research on your own if you care enough.

  5. 蔡康永的性觀念好詭異, Alice說怕搔癢, 蔡就一定要想到性, 還認為給醫生檢查必須裝害羞, 都幾歲了, 同性戀又不是外星人, 有必要裝得那麼無知嗎?

  6. kang yong asks some reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly dumb questions!!! sooo annoying!! like wtf..did you even have to ask that? ”what is your facial expressions when you see doctor?” fck

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