康熙來了 2014-02-13 男明星盲目愛情約會!

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Tipster Rednimer

52 thoughts on “康熙來了 2014-02-13 男明星盲目愛情約會!

  1. Zhao Ge as usual, his expectations are too high and he doesn’t considered his own age and looks. And his personality isn’t that good too, too picky ..

  2. They didn’t choose more pretty girls for the guys like last time for the girls who was choosing .. but it is a big variety of different girls 🙂 interesting !

  3. 馬的爛透了 一個月花在吃的錢 最好他說6千啦
    那些人最好每餐只吃50啦 啥爛節目在那邊亂回答

    • 不是每個人都三餐在外或三餐都吃,而且吃甚麼也可以差很大。生菜沙拉,雞蛋三明治,魯肉飯等等都無須大花費。她們說的也只是大概平均下來的花費。

  4. 終於找到了﹗﹗ 第一次看電影時就被歌詞笑翻了~~﹗

    原來有完整版的歌! 漢典唱的蠻好的呢 🙂

    http:// www. youtube. com/watch?v=vU3BV7vCcTI

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