康熙來了 2014-04-15 雙胞胎一定有好默契嗎?!

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Tipster Rednimer

118 thoughts on “康熙來了 2014-04-15 雙胞胎一定有好默契嗎?!

  1. The kids are very good performers unlike the adults .. lol
    26 years old seemed a bit old to start their entertaining careers, though the JP girls looked younger than their actual age.

  2. i just dont understand why the fuck there are always people complaining the hosts the show, if you really hate that much then just dont even bother leave a comment just leave. when the show is really bad audiences will no longer watching the show will eventually stop. stop bitching about the all the shits is there things thats much more important in your life than just leave a shit about the show

  3. 每天在这里骂 “滚!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 的人你是怎么了?我们谈谈心好吗?有什么不满把不满说出来好吗?

  4. 看到成良和成明真的心酸。
    通常是S想看,来宾才脱。 他们却是节目还没开始就把钮解开了

  5. 我是覺得日本女孩那種講話方式超可愛!!!日本女孩普遍都會那樣講話.但也要看長相啦!!長得不可愛的就會有點噁心

  6. 日本演艺圈充斥着混血的歌手演员,这样会不会太民族自卑太崇拜白人,因为混白人血才是更漂亮更高人一等

    • 因為大家都長的一樣.有混血會比較特別.在加上日本人比較矮.混血會比較高.身材也會比一般日本人前凸後翹

      • 混黑人血也很特别,怎么不被普遍追捧,怪不得白人会有优越感, 自己把自己搞得低人一等

  7. 小朋友好可愛喔!!都比爛藝人有才藝了!!希望他們不要被演藝圈汙染!!!!!康熙竟然在小朋友面前安排表演猛男秀.教壞小孩!!!

  8. 那兩個日本妹是在日本混不下去.才來台灣的吧??26年紀已經很大了.舞跳得也不好.素人小朋友跳的還比較好!!台灣是資源回收桶嗎??昨天才葉梓萱.蔡小潔.這集又兩個日本妹.還有那個擺爛的遙遙.台灣演藝圈那麼好混??

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