康熙來了 2014-05-16 藝人都要出國進修才厲害?!

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89 thoughts on “康熙來了 2014-05-16 藝人都要出國進修才厲害?!

  1. it’s sad how these grown ups have such horrible values. dont talk about the world if you dont know about it. 90% of the convo are from their ignorance and sadly it is viewed by most of our youths.

      • 我不喜歡人家用行為來分化任何人 但是我真的有好奇為什麼中國遊客變泥的新聞頻傳啊?我相信大部份的人不會 但是好奇你們的親朋好友有這個狀況嗎?有的話你們可以幫忙阻止嗎?畢竟不只是對環境整潔不好 不管是對觀光當地或是你們的文化都很傷誒!

  2. Ugh…. My dad is Australian and he works in California no ones ever said his English 不標準 I’ve only heard people compliment him on how much they love his accent (btw我是台妹我先承認不要跟樓下的無聊人士一樣攻擊我的英文文法

    • it is truly a strange world: while Americans worship the British and Australian accent, the rest of the world fixes it eyes on the American accent.

    • The non-English speaking world is more exposed to American media & entertainment so American accent sounds more ‘familiar’. Brits have some media influences too but Australians, hardly. That’s why it’s branded ‘strange’. Also native speakers can understand various accents of their language much better cos the proficiency is there, can’t say the same for non-native speakers.

  3. 澳洲英文不標準?那哪邊的英文才標準?美國?英國?其實標不標準不重要,只要能溝通就好。即使是美國或英國,會根據不同地區的人有不同的口音,就像台灣自己本身因為地區不同有不同的口音一樣。

    • i agree with your view up to a point; however, there is certainly less variation in english than in different taiwanese dialects. i dare say an american (or other english speaking individual) could go to another english speaking region without problem. i would not say that an individual from taipei could successfully live in tainan for even one day.

      • 又不是考試,聽得懂不就好了?你很標準有鬼用,人家會崇拜你?那些易振天講人家不標準的根本就白癡,語言是拿來溝通用的,不是拿來show off用的,以为標準英文就高人一等的人根本就是白痴。

        • lol不標準沒用?那這麼多人出國學英文幹嘛?浪費錢?在臺灣學個不標準的英文不就好了 你以為每個人都聽得懂不標準的英文啊

  4. 請發揮你們的無限創意幻想一吓菁姐和康永哥一起上厠所尿尿,洗澡或造愛所產生的畫面會是怎樣?

    • 她沒錯只是表達不好,那年在澳大利亞巳是遍地大陸豬在街上走着,所以相對來說亞洲人真的比較少.

      • i m a Taiwanese living overseas, and i hope my country provides the type of education equipping younger generation with critical thinking, good work ethics, and innovating capacity. this is where our future rests on and what it takes to have a homeland prosperity and further more an independent regime. not barbaric comments, unintelligent argument and narrow minded antagonism.

  5. 韩国的大男人主义真的很可怕~韩剧都没在夸张的!在夜店里遇到就算了,一起工作才真的是压力山大!那些整天想要嫁去韩国的美眉,心脏要再强大一点哟!

  6. 人家韓國練習生都練好幾年才能出道.台灣臨時抱佛腳怎麼跟韓國比??

    • By2挺好的 姐妹倆從4歲開始接受體操小提琴鋼琴和芭蕾舞訓練。14歲時公司在新加坡,日本,中國及台灣重新訓練她們。

  7. Not everyone in Aus r with strong accent, & i have been in Aus for like 13 years & i don’t know any Indian shake their head when they r talking (fans of Peter Russel?), it s funny when u see these artists stereotype others & comment on others accent when they speak like close to zero English…..

    • Maybe you’re there for 13 years, long enough to not realizing the difference. Pointing out the fact that they shake head (I think she was referring to the non-Australian Indian student), or accents was just an observation, I don’t think it is a mean comment. My Indian professor shakes head a lot though haha :))))

    • What have you been doing all these 13 years? Your grammar sucks.
      Everyone is a singular term
      Any Indian shakes
      Your English is in the negative level … – 10

    • Don’t doubt! I have been in Taiwan for 3 yrs, and I noticed most of the Taiwanese couldn’t speak English at all… They can’t even watch a full movie without Chinese subtitle.

    • the answer is: it depends: if an american goes to oz, he/she would definitely think the accent is strong. a local, not so much.

  8. 人妖菁拜託你饒了我們吧??不要浪費錢出專輯了!!韓國訓練那麼辛苦.一個月能練出什麼屁??都在夜店玩吧??

  9. 台灣藝人進修根本是去玩的.去回來還是一樣沒才藝啊!!!大目是舞蹈老師都比藝人認真上進

      • Your english is pretty wrong as well.

        Formal tone with informal tone

        stupid fuck….language is not just about your fuckin grammar and vocabulary….

        • Look man I get what you’re trying to do, but don’t let vigilantism get the better of your senses? Some ‘errors’ that you pick out are not errors at all, and together with your angst and swear words lower your credibility as the internet hero you try to be.

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