康熙來了 2014-06-03 大家都說我好像大明星

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Tipster Rednimer

60 thoughts on “康熙來了 2014-06-03 大家都說我好像大明星

    • If you don’t like it, don’t stay to leave a comment! It’s not even their fault. What is so wrong in like Korean stuff anyways?

  1. 說像羅志祥的比較像bii畢書盡吧!!!

  2. 像李嘉欣那个已经算是很正点了,但是比起真人还是粗糙了点。。。可见李嘉欣有多么的无解

    • 李嘉欣有啥好的,當人家小三還打去狂罵正室,滿口髒話 , 又抽煙,又被踢爆個性極差

  3. 那位像全智贤和Angelababy的,你们是来闹的吗? 连半毛钱都扯不上关系,像P啊。全智贤那位应该是脸正中间被人打凹进去了吧?

  4. 今天有台灣人想耍智障說康熙置入韓國人嗎﹖怎麼沒有﹖
    照台灣人幼稚的邏輯,韓國人上康熙不就代表我們要去韓國錄影了嗎﹖好可怕!~ (笑)

    • 台灣演藝圈爛透了!!!!!不僅魅中還哈韓!!!!金秀賢長那麼醜.長的又矬.眼睛又小.全智賢也很普通.鼻子上還有那顆礙眼的痣.來治猩猩的你難看!!!!!我根本看不下去!!!!!

  5. 小S: “who gives a fuck!”

    awesome! did post production forget to censored out that? that’s damn funny.

    • xiao s has cursed on kangxi in english numerous times (shit, fuck, bitch)… the reason they don’t censor it is because they don’t really hear the vulgarity of the word, since it’s in a foreign language.

      for example:
      if you had said “Gan” or “TMD” on american television, i don’t think they care to censor it either.

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