22 thoughts on “我要當歌手 2013-07-07

  1. 有些只會打嘴砲的人不想看就不要看,省得浪費你家電費還動肝火,真是不值得呀。

  2. 蕭閎仁在PATR4學明日讚歌 好好笑喔= =”
    支持蕭閎仁 但也好希望看到潘裕文跟蕭閎仁對決

  3. 唱藏族歌的.明明就很特別.台灣沒有能唱這種歌路的啊!!她後面一唱有嚇到我.竟然被淘汰了

    • 黃國倫不愧是胡扯天王

  4. 你們說蕭閎仁唱得不是很好有沒有考慮他是自彈自唱呢

    • 你覺得他不錯 他這麼多期 有哪首歌在網絡有熱烈討論的 但他才華真的有啦 他起碼要翻唱一個歌有自己的味道 他才可以紅 就像楊宗緯唱 背叛 多不錯啊

      • Aska Yang???? The lucky dood whom I still can’t explain why people rave about him???

        There have been too many singing contests airing on TV, at this day and age, you won’t get the same kind of exposure on YouTube and what not as lots of people are sick and tired of these shows and the same judges.

      • 楊宗緯也是一個經典, 我想是當年沒有很多大型的歌唱比賽
        回想往後幾年也沒有另外一些讓人記住的歌手出現, 因為太多歌唱節目在充斥
        另外我覺得翻唱這一首歌 他改編了和弦跟加了自己的唱法 他的味道已經出來
        其實蕭閎仁當年入圍了第二十屆金曲獎最佳新人 同時期也有蕭敬騰,梁文音,盧廣仲,林宥嘉 每一個都獨當一面, 如果這樣有才的歌手也不能發片實在太可惜啦

    • I totally agree with you…it was ok…but it was sooooooo faaaaake….he just redefined…it’s all 黃國倫’s fault…just cos the guy chose to sing in the same manner and to use a guitar as the instrument…SIGH

      • I don’t agree, once you hear him on the radio, you will know that it’s him singing.

        I bought all 3 of his albums and every time it plays from my playlist, you recognize his distinctive tone and voice immediately. Can’t wait for him to reach 90k and for him to release a new single!!!

    • He sang very good!!! My vote totally goes to him n pan yu wen!! The last guy also has lots of potential. Cant wait for next week epi of new n nice songs from them!

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