7 thoughts on “星光大道 2015-09-12

  1. 陳景浩能過關, 其實並不是因為唱得好, 而是韋國元犯了不該犯的錯, 無法掌控的歌還硬改, 而且還改不好,

    再加上只能二選一, 評審當然是選陳景浩~唱得很普通但至少沒什麼大過失

  2. For someone who had to face disability throughout her life to use someone else’s disadvantage over him when he confided in her over such a personal issue and to make it known on national and worldwide tv.

    The true world, cruel. Don’t get bluffed by people who look innocent. and don’t trust people you just met.

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