来自星星的事 2014-05-06 虎媽家規凍未著! 生活大概就像是 B18的煉獄一樣…

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Tipster Rednimer

22 thoughts on “来自星星的事 2014-05-06 虎媽家規凍未著! 生活大概就像是 B18的煉獄一樣…

  1. 哀 跟我家一模一樣 重年輕女。 都不了解毀傷到女生尤其是老大的心靈。等SON長大了。才知道被受到最重傷害的,才是會一直守在和孝順妳身邊的人

  2. 華人並不愛家!?太值得我們深思了! (老外看華人 )






    「是的,我知道你要說什麼,你們中國人愛說這是為了孩子,為了下一代多掙些錢,但每一代都說自己賺錢是為了下一代,那麼究竟哪一代會真正地使用 這筆錢呢? 」




    「在歐洲,你們中國人基本都比當地人有錢,但沒有人羡慕你們的生活,我認為你們就是金錢的機器,但你們為自己的賺錢愛好塗上了一層家庭的色彩。 」


    • Don’t be too serious, I don’t think the average foreigner care that much about Chinese to have such an in depth opinion about the Chinese society. Are you sure that it’s not actually you who wrote this? Hahahahaha 😀

      • you’re right about foreigner dont care about Chinese and all, but you still have to agree this is prob the “big picture” of how they see our family culture. Same as we can’t really agree that the fact most American parents let children life on their own pay their own bill right after high school. lol, this is a pretty well shared facebook article you can search it through google

        • Actually I don’t have to agree about it and I don’t care whether it’s true or not. Chinese people can live however they want to, it’s their choice. If you want to change the society, become a politician or something, but this is probably not the right place for you to “educate” people. I also don’t have anything against people living on their own after high school, it’s their own choice, their country, their culture and their life style. Besides not everyone likes to hang out on Facebook 😉

          • Wow chill your tits stranger, just sharing an article here means I’m “educating” and is willing to “change the society”? LMAO, really!! chill you hard sensitive nipples man! Of course I know it is their own country and shit, I’m just sharing a well-spread article on the internet here. It offend you or something? And sorry sir I also don’t use FB much. Like I said search it from google it is everywhere on google. What? You gonna tell me you don’t use google that much too? Good for you!!!
            lol, btw roam somewhere else hotshot! Maybe try read more articles on internet, seems like you can use some extra knowledge.

          • Hahahaha, I only have problem with people trying to lecture others, which is exactly who you are! And snobs who thinks they know more than others and trying to put others down with their “knowledge”. Stop trying to be such a “intelligent” person and come up with something your own, instead of citing random articles on Google. And not everybody is as “knowledgeable” as you are, offering such great insights into the society and world we live in. You can “LOL” or “LMAO” however much you want, nobody will think you’re brilliant because of that. Yeah, and keep putting others down with your degrading talk, in order to make up for your own inferiority complex. Besides, to look down on others and think that one is much better is something many Chinese do, maybe you should write an article about it too, hehehehe 😀

          • First, you are very fast handed at replying, you replied all my posts within an hour. Do you spend most of your time here trying to interact with people? I’m not even gonna ask why you rather spend time here typing other than walk outside and do something meaningful since you are acting such heroic here. In the end of the day, if you think sharing an article in the comment box is an action of lecturing others and also got offended for some reason, you already proved yourself that something is not right inside your brain. Well, it is really stressful and a waste of time talking with an unknown person on the internet about their mental illness and personal feeling so I’m gonna leave you here alone. You can say whatever you want and good luck finding next person who are willing to talk with you that might be able to fulfill your next lifetime achievement. lol, how adorable :)) Hope you enjoy the rest of your day surfing internet??? (BTW try read your comment one more time, I almost cant understand what you are trying to whine about coz you are something else), LOLOLOL

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