18 thoughts on “綜藝大熱門 2013-07-02 模仿新秀的逆襲! 老將新秀大亂鬥! (上)

  1. From many haters of this program, please don’t watch this! This was Jacky Wu’s TV comeback, don’t be trashing up your negative comments!

      • 狡诈的台湾狗 我们是中国 不是你们的内地 你们做你们的台湾国人 好吗 不要和我们扯上关系 。什么?你说中国你是你们的? 牛逼你打过来 煞笔

        • 內地有甚麼不對? 本來地形就是在內地. 不然你們叫甚麼中國台灣. 為什麼要中國台灣? 中國當初自己不爭氣. 歷史長久還老被其他國占領 還得割分出台灣. 自己內鬥一堆 現在又想要回台灣. 你們就別過來再想扯上關西.

  2. don’t really like the content of the show. Since it broadcasts at 9, a talk show would be a good fit. I believe Jacky and OD could beat up any other host in terms of hosting a talk show. If the show doesn’t make changes, it won’t last for long.

    • I think there are already too many talk shows in Taiwan now… and it’s always those 10 people rotating… I don’t think talk show is good at all. I was hoping that they can do a game show… but… this is still better than talk show though… 🙁

      • I totally understand it might not be a good idea to do a talk show, but it’s definitely better than the current one. If you’ve ever seen Jacky and OD being guests in any of the talk shows, you could easily tell that they completely dominated the show. I can’t imagine how scary a talk show having hosts like Jacky and OD could be…

    • Please calm down, everyone~ if you don’t like this program, then you can turning off ok?! I’m angry~ BTW, the yesterday’s pilot episode was an average of 1.85%, based on one Taiwanese TV ratings.. I see it thru this program’s Facebook fan page.. It’s ok for me!

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