10 thoughts on “綜藝大熱門 2013-07-10 恐怖了! 台語歌后歌王大集合!

  1. Li Ya Sha had a good voice, that’s why she wins in Golden Melody Awards 2013 as Best Female Taiwanese dialect Singer of the Year last Saturday night.. LIKE!

  2. 婭莎的歌聲很動聽,卻少些情感…不久前才聽了憲哥在金曲獎的表演,句句都唱到心坎裡了,那是多少的歷練和滄桑才能沉澱出來的聲音啊…太感動了…多一些經歷,婭莎或許就能蛻變了…

    • 那是因為他唱的是爵士版的!!!爵士就是輕鬆慵懶的音樂風格.在加上他台語歌是硬背的.還不太了解台語的意思

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