綜藝大熱門 2014-04-04 亞洲火紅的歌你聽過嗎? 挑戰各國歌曲!!

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Tipster Rednimer

42 thoughts on “綜藝大熱門 2014-04-04 亞洲火紅的歌你聽過嗎? 挑戰各國歌曲!!

      • Who told you that? Internationally most foreigners don’t fucking know what’s being spoken in Taiwan, many will probably guess it’s Taiwanese. People with some knowledge about China and Taiwan might know the most spoken languages in Taiwan is Taiwanese and Mandarin. It’s not a common thing that they know what Hokkien or 福建話 is.

        In my 20+ years in Europe, there are only a handful person I’ve met, who knew about the terms Hokkian or 福建話, who’s not Chinese, Taiwanese or from South East Asia. So don’t fucking make up things for yourself, you fucking idiot!

        • go watch some singapore movie-.- doesn’t mean you didn’t met someone from the South East Asia who speak hokkien mean people there don’t speak hokkien and hokkien is almost the same as 台语, it’s just that taiwanese love to mix some japanese terms in their 台语.

        • You sound like “Oh…Whatever the foreigners (White people) say is right and whoever from the east are inferior and I obey the white.” And you sound like a bitch, an old nagging bitch cuz you keep repeating fucking like three times.

        • TROLOLOL. who the hell cares. Are you on your period? take a chill pill or something. Call it Taiwanese, call it hokkien, whatever you like. People can be entitled to their own opinions. I call it taiwanese but I know people who call it Hokkien. Doesn’t mean i’m gonna go all bitch stfu on them -.-

    • Dialect 你的頭,那是中國掌權者自古以來控制人民的手段。在中國這些不同的語言本來就是古時候在現代的中國的版圖裏不同的國家留下的語言。不過在一個國家裏,大家都用不同的語言,那是不是代表這些其實是不同國家的人?所以說這些是方言是爲了方便統治和漢化被征服的國家和民族。它們唯一相同的地方是沒有文字,所以都用漢字。不過在春秋戰國時期這些不同的國家確實是有自己的文字。

      你如果去請教外國的語言學家或者研究中國歷史的人,你就會知道這些所謂的方言和 dialects 其實本來就是各種不同的語言。只是用這些語言的人已經被漢族同化。當然這些學者必須得是中立的,如果你請教一些專門拍中國政府馬屁的人,那就沒什麽用了,哈哈哈哈。

      • 你是白痴喔,台语就是闽南语,闽南语也就是我们俗称的福建话,不是只有台湾人在讲的好吗,新加坡,马来西亚,甚至一部分泰国华侨都有在讲。我是新加坡人在星马这一带我们都叫做“方言”。

      • so people who live in hong kong speak hong kongnese? -.- brush up your english dude…cantonese,hokkien or teochew are call dialect…

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