綜藝大熱門 2015-01-20 這藝人我要定了! 經紀人最想簽的藝人排行

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Tipster Rednimer

37 thoughts on “綜藝大熱門 2015-01-20 這藝人我要定了! 經紀人最想簽的藝人排行

  1. 看到有人評論說KID超廢的只會鬼吼鬼叫裝瘋賣傻,那就對了,因爲「廢」「瘋」「鬼吼」本來就是KID在綜藝咖這條路上的「定位」。憲哥肯提攜KID,是因爲KID爲了節目能夠義無反顧的將他這些「定位」發揮到極致,這是敬業,憲哥最看重的就是這樣的敬業精神,醬敬業的藝人是應得大家的讚賞和掌聲的。

        • 他粉絲也是這半年才變多的喔!!你應該去看綜藝玩很大.你會對他改觀.你沒看到他經紀人最後講的話嗎??他真的為節目還滿認真拼命的.

          • I watch that show every week and I like it. While I personally am not a big fan of him (he’s way overboard at times and not in a funny way and his antics gets old after a few times), I appreciate how he’s willing to get down and dirty and his determination. He deserves the recognition and gain those many fans. However, he needs to evolve if he doesn’t want stuck in outdoor challenges show. It’ll become pathetic to act crazy when one is old.

        • i agree, he is much like xiao tian tian where both of them has no talent but relies on talking skills and acting clown. there was once i saw them on bai fen bai competition episode, the contestant have to perform their dance move or some sort but when its their turn kid and xiao tian tian did a half ass dance and ended it off by kissing each other. it was totally a bad example for people watching the show. or rather, most of the time there is nothing to learn from them. i’d prefer them doing outdoor shows cause they are willing to play and do the risky stuffs, but indoor talk shows with them is not healthy.

      • 我承認綜藝玩很大裏kid的存在確實是讓節目增色不少,但是若說到綜藝玩很大沒kid收視不會那麼好,這句話本人卻不敢苟同,綜藝玩很大要是沒了憲哥,那麽收視就真的不好了。

    • 之前觉得kid还蛮好笑 不过现在有点过和有点大头了。 逸祥很不错 被那些经纪人说成这样令人不爽尤其是kid的经纪人。

  2. 雞瘟妹的經紀人夠強大啊!!竟然有人能控制沒才藝又無恥又愛爆衝不受控的雞瘟妹.這經紀人一定認識很多記者

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