46 thoughts on “綜藝玩很大 2014-10-04 泰國 清邁

  1. it has been a really long time since taiwan has such a good show, I really miss those days where there are jacky show and power sunday. Jacky Wu GO GO GO!

  2. kid is a good junior captain..laopigu want to show off how good is he..
    half way want draw of..though he know thai language can help ke dui win the game..at last
    they lose..girls are all crazy of shopping..yee pei was so cute when climming the elephant..
    look forward to the next episod..

  3. 很久沒看到那麼好看的台灣外景綜藝節目了
    每個禮拜都一定要鎖定!! >.<

    雖然有些藝人真的一點效果都沒有, 還很吵 = =

  4. KID可怜啊 ! 那么尽力想好好做小队长! 结果队长曹老先生在那里乱! 把原本的效果和团队精神全毁了! 太自私了吧! 资深艺人应该当好榜样的 怎么能这样 !

  5. 曹大哥真的不適合做隊長耶,只顧自己,沒有團隊精神…>”<

  6. Kid刚升小队长,以为会有看头,谁知再怎么high、怎样拉,还是回天乏力,不怕神一般的对手,只怕猪一般的队友,两个女的不high就算了,还来一个扯后腿,他扯就算了,他还在那边猛扯 . . .

    • 軟大哥適合住在都市.方便就醫.不適合出外景.一堆東西都不敢吃.還破壞遊戲規則.玩遊戲不認真.又吵又煩.真不知他來幹嘛的= =唯一的優點是有他在.憲哥不用爬大山了

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