35 thoughts on “綜藝玩很大 2015-01-24 台灣 高雄

  1. part7真的因為遊戲不熟而輸了, 但我覺得不公平, 最少也先到, 又沒人提醒~ 憲哥加的要拿旗又不知真定假的~

  2. The part during the poker cards chase, some of the players are near parked cars with tainted windows reflection and side mirrors, no one saw their own cards reflection? Weird lol.

  3. what the fuck is this, variety show that eat shit literally, well I think this country’s entertainment is literally going to eat shit then, what a LOUSY TOILET SHIT HUMOR THAT WAS. DISGUSTING

    • that’s just kid’s personality. he’s very daring and is up for anything… ANYTHING. if the other team won, then they wouldn’t have let the other guy eat it. But this is kid we’re talking about :/

      • I couldn’t care less whose LOUSY PERSONALITY that is, It’s still DISGUSTING, and to think that the producers and the TV Channel approved of it on being aired, DISGUSTING.

        • It’s the uniqueness and bravery of the person and contents that make it different from the other shows. If you feel it’s disgusting, you can stop watching the show. Stop complaining and act like you are a high class and elegant person.

        • Oh please, it looks as if you’re from the dinosaur generation. Eating the shit is not what Kid did for the first time okay? Why so worked up man? He did that before already like nearly 10years ago too.. ==

        • OK, i can understand that it may be disgusting for you. We all have a different taste in humor. Just skip the part and move on, but don’t judge a country’s entertainment based on just that :/

          To be honest, taiwanese humor can be a little dark.

  4. 虽然黄队在毛毛虫的最后一回不公平,但黑队太老实了!根本没在状况。Kid 也卖命吃了羊屎,说到做到,有添加喜感。kudos to kid!

  5. 高雄這集好看喔!!盛大哥好好笑.張立東意外的有效果.客隊基本上都靠張立東.沒什麼團隊可言.許孟哲有點爛.NANA跟楊雅筑更爛.又沒什麼效果.別再來了.什麼女瘋面??令人失望.凱莉或LULU還比較瘋

        • U this motherfucker son of the bitch, everytime pp comment something that is not to your liking, you`ll start to 人生攻击. You are so narrow minded, only you can comment, and others can only comment to what u like to hear, otherwise u start attacking the commentor. Which fucking country or society raise such a narrow minded fucker like you? I`ve noticed you for quite a while!

          • 人生攻擊? hahahahahaha i think you meant 人身攻擊 and tbh, i think u’re the narrow minded one, probably some 12 years old hiding behind the screen. Go back to mommy, the internet is not the place for u

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