22 thoughts on “綜藝玩很大 2016-01-02 台南 命運喜八樂

  1. 邰哥不提示宪哥不可能找到,他自己也说了他不知道原来可以伪装节目组工作人员。看得出来邰哥从上一集就很想要表现,客队藏的时候他还想一起去藏。

    • Lousiest episode of all. First game, the host got special tips. in the second game, the host girl team shouted pervert and violence. C’mon dont 玩 if you think the guys cant touch you. ESP 妖嬌。used leg and body.what a bitch.

      • The show has two hosts Jack Wu and Kid. If you have been watching the show regularly, you should notice that Kid appeared in every episode. That should be an obvious hint. So it is not accurate to describe 妖嬌’s team as “host team”.

        • The yellow team is always called the host team: 主队。Host or home team whatever. 妖嬌’s team is yellow which is the host team.
          Kid is in the black team which is the guest team 客队 in THIS episode。 Jacky is always in the yellow team.

          Anyway, I just feel that the program planning for this episode screw up. Playing the 大老二:大逃杀 is so much better and less messy.Tap and reveal your cards rather than snatch the opponents question and shout rape.

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