華人星光大道 2012-12-30 頂尖對決 終極指定PK 強敵踢館最終戰

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103 thoughts on “華人星光大道 2012-12-30 頂尖對決 終極指定PK 強敵踢館最終戰

  1. ye bing huan is good.  He did well in the earlier round on 16/12.  Very creative.  His version on “unchained melody” is good too.

  2. maybe its just that i cant appreciate ye bing huan’s music but i feel that he is kinda overrated… i agree that he can sing, but not to the extent of getting 29 pts… to make it worse, some judges reprimanded xiao pang for not giving the last point -.- i feel that ye bing huan is just a overly exaggerated version of lu guang zhong…

  3. 各位看官有沒有察覺
    女歌男唱 確實是可以更凸顯細膩度和鐵漢柔情 扣人心弦~!
    加油 欣甫!!!

  4. 到了十六強時﹐我才從海選那集一口氣的看下來﹐當時就憑我直覺猜猜名次﹐依次為:16名蘊儀、15健偉、14艾文、13大為、12劉沛和11任偉﹐餘下是十強由低至高:吳禹錡、哲偉、黃佳忻、孫盛希、賴淞鳳、陳雪芬、張礎安、鄭心慈、林欣甫& 谷微冠軍哲偉極度不喜歡﹐擺他入十強只是揣度評審可能放生多個男孩,不至於極度的陰盛陽衰。他一早被叮也不覺可惜﹐只是蘊儀有弟弟加持﹐上多幾個席位此料不及。總恬來說賽果還在猜度之中﹐不過礎安再沒驚喜很有可能跌出五強。:16名蘊儀、15健偉、14艾文、13大為、12劉沛和11任偉﹐餘下是十強由低至高:吳禹錡、哲偉、黃佳忻、孫盛希、賴淞鳳、陳雪芬、張礎安、鄭心慈、林欣甫& 谷微冠軍哲偉極度不喜歡﹐擺他入十強只是揣度評審可能放生多個男孩,不至於極度的陰盛陽衰。他一早被叮也不覺可惜﹐只是蘊儀有弟弟加持﹐上多幾個席位此料不及。總恬來說賽果還在猜度之中﹐不過礎安再沒驚喜很有可能跌出五強。

      • haha, i said i predicted those when 16 contestants still around. No way i can get it all right unless i’m the wormy in those judges’ tummies, lol!

  5. 葉秉桓的表演很有味道,感覺不是為了唱歌而唱歌,而是為了享受而唱歌,那種境界很迷人。

  6. 葉秉桓要出專輯的話.要去矯正一下牙齒.不知道整過之後會不會影響唱歌.我並不是批評.只是這是很現實的問題

    • 這是我第一次同意小胖的評語, 我覺得他沒有那麼好, 真的, 不信重複聽個五六次, 不舒服感很大, 完全沒有盧廣仲這首歌本來該有的輕鬆感, 這首歌真的不需要搞成這樣, 太花, 太做作

  7. Seriously David is just unlucky… I’m sure if there’s more contestant (whom I don’t want to point out) sitting in the loser corner, he wouldn’t be the one to get picked. If anyone were to compare his improvements (from the first till now), he is definitely not going out. Felt so unjust for him… would really like to what sort of improvement he would be able to produce.

    • David has improved maybe, but its still not enough and still not at par with other remaining contestants at this level.  He is at losing streak most times. 

  8. Don’t get too stressed out and emotional. Everyone here is a little too critical of the show… Enjoy your Sunday with good songs and great performances.

    • I agree.. her performance has so far been consistent.   Xinfu and Xinchi too.   But more challenges to come.    Instead of selecting their own songs, now the current balance 9 contestants will have to sing the songs picked for them.   May the best wins!

    • 說拿星光冠軍真的言之過早了。Nicole在Astro時很多時候觸動人心的多是英文和廣東歌,唱中文歌的感動似乎不如前二者,所以在星光的比賽有點綁手綁腳,發揮有限。她的穩健和細膩是公認的,但若要贏得比賽恐怕要多些勇氣、創意和突破吧!別再呆在自己的Comfort zone了!

  9. 下一集製作人指定曲失敗區:黃佳忻/張礎安   確定淘汰的是黃佳忻

  10. 林夕你是代言阿迪达斯吗?怎么每次都穿的像美国黑人才会穿的衣服?我应该好好的在床上教训你下。

    • Paul 你是白痴.  Adidas 其實最大的市場是在西歐和美國, 而且是白人穿的最多. 你聽歌不好好聽管人家穿甚麼.  你真是太笨了.

  11. 真的很不想何大为走 很想继续听他唱歌 说得难听一点 我宁愿走的是张楚安或曾心慈 他被淘汰我都哭了…

  12.  以往星光也好華星也好,都是十二強甚至十強才開始踢館﹔雙方每首歌大可保留,最

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