華人星光大道 2013-01-06 王牌製作人親自指導 十強挑戰經典 再創金曲新生命

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39 thoughts on “華人星光大道 2013-01-06 王牌製作人親自指導 十強挑戰經典 再創金曲新生命

  1. 欣甫的懸崖A段 有綁手綁腳 被困住的感覺~!
    但聲音的辨識度和迷人的嗓音 還是忍不住要說 讚啦!!!

  2. Jiaxin is out 🙁  will miss her voice & open personality.
    Ivynn.. congrats, got the prize.

    Just my thoughts
    Guwei, Xinfu .. good voices, but same type songs can be boring after so many shows lol.
    Xinche.. beautiful voice, just need more practice & confidence.
    Nicole.. cute girl & love your voice too,  look forward to next week when you sing rock.
    SFen… good.. 19yrs old but why let them make you wear those clothes that look too matured on you.


  3. I don”t understand what is good about the Korean contestant, average looks and average vocals.
    wang jia xin and chu an are way better than her. Yes, she sounds special the first few times but after a while, it is getting bored. she sounded the same no matter what she sang.

    • Agree that Xixi’s vocal skill is so-so, but we don’t criticize the contestants’ looks, she is pretty enough…    but noticed that her face is mostly expressionless while singing.    Yedda’s voice is better but just unlucky to have chosen a song that she can’t do well.   I guess the show has to keep contestants from different countries in order to boost ratings – 2 Taiwan, 1 China, 1 USA, 1 K & 2 Mal.

  4. teacher wang yun lin’s singing is very average, she is better known for her composing skills. Her voice is no good at all.

  5. 黃佳忻好可惜喔!! 她很有特色~~ 張礎安也是!! 其實我覺得他們只是沒有表現好, 聽他們表演比較多驚喜!

    不覺得Ivyn的夜夜夜夜有那麼好, 是穩, 但..  也就是穩啦~~ 

  6. 其实我非常喜欢左安安的改编,毕竟是自己的曲子,我觉得是适合这样改的。台湾的选秀节目好象不太欢迎重新编曲这件事

    • 我覺得VCR里左安安自己唱的那幾秒比後來楚安唱的好聽…. 味道更對 楚安有點太用力 trying too hard 力不從心又患得患失的感覺

  7. 開場李佳薇和李佩玲的合唱真的非常好聽。個人覺得這次雪芬和nicole的分數給得太低了,她們值得更高的分數。

  8. 那個叫左安安的,完全活在自己的世界裏瞎搞。想要譁眾取寵,設計了相當突兀的橋段,反而害了學生。

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