華人星光大道 2013-01-13 積分賽I 第九名決定賽

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Tipster Rednimer

69 thoughts on “華人星光大道 2013-01-13 積分賽I 第九名決定賽

  1. 一直好喜歡鄭心慈小妹妹 可是今天的我好失望 雖然現在早已不像當年一樣超崇拜陳綺貞 但是這首歌對我而言始終都不是只單純的在表達一個teenage歌迷對偶像的感情… 它還在說一種把所有美好都付與幻覺的傻和傷感 愛到把自己變的卑微得自己都驚訝… 明知道自己所愛的大多都是自己的假想 卻也妥協… 不顧一切 都不似飛蛾撲火 因為撲的是虛幻空無…. 這絕不是所謂的輕鬆,青春,可愛的一首歌啊

  2. Like Nicole. 🙂 I think all of them have high quality. We just need to wish them all the best, send our wishes to them and they will perform the best in return 😉

  3. Most contestants have done well, but I haven’t seen a really impressive show (like one that could win more than several million hits on YouTube) since this season began.

  4. 吳禹錡是選歌錯誤!
    唉~ 好可惜

  5. 孫盛希唱青花瓷有一整個說不出的怪異感…


  6. 總決賽 :林欣甫 Vs Nicole 賴淞鳳!!!!!!
    臺灣 和 馬來西亞的斗決~~~
    都是嗓音獨特迷人 個人魅力鮮明和辨識度超高的人選

  7. Like 陳雪芬 very much!!! both her singing and personality!!!
    Nice job “追追追”~~ 就像建寧老師說的, 整體表現很亮眼!!

  8. 我個人最喜歡谷微的聲音. 高又細.
    不是太喜歡女生太低或有power, 可是今年來比賽好像都要有power才吃香…

  9. nicole 的聲音 綠影聽不好聽 王子的新衣 也唱得沒有那麼的好 就跟原唱一模一樣 沒有什麼 特別的 分數有點過高 比起來 林欣甫 的掌紋 給我的雞皮疙瘩 比較多 而且 那高音飆的 是非常準的! nicole的高音雖說 是搖滾歌曲 可是 也要有一定的 準度 雖然飆上去了 可是 不夠準 不夠好聽

  10. 我覺得很不公平ㄟ

    鄭心慈歌詞唱錯很多 每個評審卻還說很好 都給5 6分


    • 同感 可是 鄭心慈 不疾不徐 的好好繼續唱下去 沒有像許艾文 有 頓一下 還有 鄭心慈 聲音本來就比較適合 黃美珍的歌

  11. Astro should sent them to Asia Wave at china to compete instead to sent them here….the previous winner from here was contest at asia wave too but get nothing…see that standard laaa Astro!

    • 他明明就是 現在 選手中 唱的最好的一個 你在不挺 屁?

      排名(穩定度 特色)









  12. Xixi sings terribly!! The whole song sounds so flat and breathless. Why is Xiao Pang so bias??
    LinXinFu, Nicole & Chanice are good, my ideal top 3.

      • xiao pang’s “bias” also brought Lala Xu to first place in the third Million Star. He was criticized like crazy at that time too….but look at Lala now, obviously, he is able to see things some others cannot.

        • xiao pang is not always correct.
          lala already has good voice base but lacked skills at that time.
          xixi many -points, voice too low, breathless, bad chinese, deadpanned expression.
          audience acceptance is important, make or break you.

          • Lala was not accepted but a lot of audience at that time too, hence…the criticisms against pang. “voice too low” and “deadpanned expression” ? thats all very objective

        • i think the difference between xixi and lala is that lala had what it took to become 1st place and improved over time while i can’t even see xixi making the top five. i highly doubt xixi would be able to produce a lucrative career because she seems so awkward on stage; i think xixi needs more practice and needs to get more comfortable on stage.

        • don’t agree, 孫的低音沒有共鳴, 中氣非常不足, 她主要發揮的市中音域, 可是她並不太會控制, 很不穩, 她音準也不是很好 (這是一直以來的感覺, 並不針對某一集), 她是有她的口條, 可是她在錄音室會被刁的很慘….

    • Virus本人没什么特色,唱法比较单一,她这种唱法的人,中音区不开发好,根本歌路打不开,可惜她中音基本都只能是嗓子里闷着…希希的共鸣点很多变,听起来很舒服,应该是受过不错的训练,明显比Virus唱得好。张xx的确比较嫩,可是她的嗓音虽然奇怪,辨识度的确极高,放Virus的不看根本不知道是谁,可是张xx一听就知道是她,论潜力也比Virus高一筹。淘汰V很正常啊。


      • 潜力论潜力。这毕竟只个比赛, 唱得不好就是唱得不好。如果觉得他有潜力, 还是有特色, 这应该另当别论。如果像你这么说的话,根本不需要积分赛, 一开始就选出最有特色和最有潜力的选手就好了。。

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