食尚玩家 2020-05-06 2天1夜go 嘉義人美食第一指名一次公開 Description: Episodes: 食尚玩家 2020-11-10 中台灣美食 復古94潮!!食尚玩家 2020-11-09 熱血48小時 北台灣精選! 起秋美食食尚玩家 2020-11-05 吃好住好宜蘭補冬小旅行食尚玩家 2020-11-04 2天1夜go 高雄 老店稱霸有理 好口碑當之無愧食尚玩家 2020-11-03 玖壹壹帶路 台中Local遊食尚玩家 2020-11-02 熱血48小時 北台灣 夜衝美食大獵搜食尚玩家 2020-10-29 瘋狂總部 總部委托任務 雲林粉紅色之旅食尚玩家 2020-10-28 2天1夜go 甘安捏?! 台中熱搜 正夯美食考察團 出發!食尚玩家 2020-10-27 Hebe來了!! 桃竹漏勾美食大追緝食尚玩家 2020-10-26 熱血48小時 尋找嘉義隱藏版無名美食<<1...93949596979899100101102103...296>> To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Video Player is loading.Play VideoPlaySkip BackwardSkip ForwardMuteCurrent Time 0:00/Duration -:-Loaded: 0%Stream Type LIVESeek to live, currently behind liveLIVERemaining Time --:- 1xPlayback RateChaptersChaptersDescriptionsdescriptions off, selectedCaptionscaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selectedAudio TrackPicture-in-PictureFullscreenThis is a modal window.The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported.Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window.TextColorWhiteBlackRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanOpacityOpaqueSemi-TransparentText BackgroundColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanOpacityOpaqueSemi-TransparentTransparentCaption Area BackgroundColorBlackWhiteRedGreenBlueYellowMagentaCyanOpacityTransparentSemi-TransparentOpaqueFont Size50%75%100%125%150%175%200%300%400%Text Edge StyleNoneRaisedDepressedUniformDrop shadowFont FamilyProportional Sans-SerifMonospace Sans-SerifProportional SerifMonospace SerifCasualScriptSmall CapsResetDoneClose Modal DialogEnd of dialog window. Part 1Part 2Part 3 TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5? TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". May 6, 2020 Tipster Rednimer