十點名人堂 2012-09-13 蝴蝶姐姐代班 楊丞琳 Description: Episodes: 十點名人堂 2012-05-30 黑人 豆花妹新節目 來賓: 羅志祥<<123456 TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5? TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found". September 14, 2012 Tipster Rednimer
when Hudie hosts with Blackie she gets to talk more.. with Zhu.. He does Most of the talking.. even the guests are not getting a lot chance… Reply ↓
ariel and rainie:D
蝴蝶!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYAY! better than douhuamei!!!
when Hudie hosts with Blackie she gets to talk more.. with Zhu.. He does Most of the talking.. even the guests are not getting a lot chance…
我覺得 升琳 & 鬼蝶 這兩對其實都很配耶XDD
他們像兄妹 (雖然蝴蝶比小鬼大XDDD)
too bad though. i think they would be cute together!
Rainie you’re great