82 thoughts on “第22屆金曲獎頒獎典禮 2011-06-18

  1. WTF A-LIN DIDN’T WIN? That is so fricken ridiculous. A-lin is one of the best female singers in Taiwan. Judges need to open their ears -_-

  2. i don think theres anything wrong with jay’s singing, hes very good too. hes just different type to what normal people will see as ”good”, like zhang hui mei or JJ. its not like he cant sing live or break his voice or what. he has his style + he is a legend. so he should get the award!

  3. bao xiao song, is he the one who is judge for astro singing competition? or its his brother? that singing competition has some collusion. so is he fair in this award? certainly hope so.

  4. yeaaaa…karen mok should not have gotten that prize == even tho we went to the same school i dont really support her..she’s the next person who didnt deserve that prize the first is hocc HAHAHA

  5. wth jay didn win best composer award? 🙁 why?!?!?! how can they judge based on ONE SONG when most of jay’s songs are awesome! 🙁

  6. random, but patty hou’s english is rly good!  i’ve just gotten to know her work recently, so i didn’t really know till now.

  7. 周杰倫只是個偶像,但不可否認也是出色的音樂人,但是他不夠格拿最佳男歌手

    • You can’t judge an artist by his voice. He was born with it. Sure, his singing techniques need some improvements. But you can’t not give an artist a recognition because his voice is “bad”. Besides, there are other singers out there who don’t do as much as Jay Chou and still receive many awards. 

      However, This year’s best male singer should’ve went to JJ Lin. 

    • it is waste of time, especially for the watchers…but hey, he wants to get more publicity so that on the next election, young people can remember him..so is to his benefit, no us..unless he really does something that is benefit to us..

  8. Oh man, i feel really sad for JJ. When the announcer said, “J!” I think he must have really thought it’s him D:

  9. 爲什麽記者只會批評?整篇報導只是批評還有扯一點無聊緋聞http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/110619/4/2tkhr.html

  10. 喜歡與不喜歡完全是個人主觀意識 每個獎項只能有一個得主 按照Aaa的說法 幾乎人人有獎才算是正確 好的音樂無分大小眾 金曲獎不是只頒給你所謂的現代流行音樂 而是在此一年內的創新音樂都被涵括 我們所聽到的只有一部分而評審必須聽全部 對於沒有聽過的怎能就說它不好呢

    • 大部份的人都沒聽過也叫流行?還是說流行的定義有問題?怎麼樣都太牽強了吧~如果把「流行」兩個字去掉,我比較能接受!

      • 就像Jackass說的, 只要是好的音樂都應該被肯定! 金曲獎除了反映大眾喜好以外, 同時也有教育聽眾的責任。台灣音樂因此才能變的更多元,更富有。

  11. 我只能說…. 評審耳多有問題… 該換點年輕的評審.. A-Lin, JJ, 還有 SHE 沒有得?? -___-  還有.. 李宗盛@縱貫線 給自己的歌 不可能是現代流行音樂… 根本來沒在電台聽過 還較流行? 居然可以得 最佳編曲獎..那JJ編的曲哩???

  12. A-Lin唱慢慢等唱得好好听哦!唱到最后一首虽然有一点力不足可是还是很感动!棒死了!!& 好喜欢韋禮安!!气质好好o!!!

  13. too bad it’s their problems that they can’t sing live. Most of Taiwanese singers can and do… and that’s really all it matters. 

  14. 嚴爵今天好像……有失水準 是太緊張嗎 也不用把節奏弄的那麼快吧 感覺是一個比較草率的表演 結束的又很快 

  15. 他可以拿每屆……都可以說是實至名歸 但是歌壇并不是只有他一個人而已 有很多有才華的人也需要肯定 他也許是一個天才 但地球也不是繞他一個人轉 希望他可不可以不要再報金曲獎了 他很清楚自己的實力 不需要這些虛名了 

    •  周杰倫的實力是有目共睹的 每一個人都肯定他的實力 但就像江蕙二姐一樣 把機會讓給更多的人 讓更多有才華的人可以被聽見 比起拿一堆獎項 還值得

  16. 張惠妹那段好爛,收音爛燈光爛,台視切腹吧!!

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