愛喲我的媽 2012-10-04 小資理財向錢衝! 如何用三千元賺到一百萬

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Tipster Rednimer

12 thoughts on “愛喲我的媽 2012-10-04 小資理財向錢衝! 如何用三千元賺到一百萬

  1. 黃金存摺是真的很有投資概念才會去買,

  2. Every few months buy a little bit, the dividend can’t even cover the transaction cost. Unless there is no transaction cost in taiwan for buying shares.

  3. you can save a lot living at home save rent light …… Even in the Us more and more grads do this until they get married. Damm thing about many asians is that you say you are proud to be asian but more and more you abandon the asian way and want to live the Western American way and then complain you dont have enough money. Yes the salary has to go up  but you save more with free rent.. at the very least if you want to rent then rent together with friends. There is a price  to pay for moving out so soon. 

  4. ALEX 果然是abc,典型美國人式生活態度就是貸款,貸咭,花未來錢!

      • 你所謂的歐洲是指哪個國家??  還是所有歐洲國家?? 德國也是歐洲國家 現在歐元區還不是靠她撐著!  現在全球通漲的原因是什麼?? 為什麼要一直印鈔票去挽救經濟?? 這金融海嘯的火頭是哪個國家點燃的?? 我看你應該多看看新聞 多用用自己的腦袋 再出來批評別人!

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