娛樂@亞洲 2010-11-13 飛輪海

TIP1: Try both Google Chrome and Firefox
TIP2: How well does your browser support HTML5?
TIP3: Try ctrl+F5 refresh your browser if you see "Video not found".

Tipster Rednimer

2 thoughts on “娛樂@亞洲 2010-11-13 飛輪海

  1. i heard calvin is quite “fast| with girls. wu zun for me is the most reserved(not outgoing) type, jiro is my absolute boyfriend, he’s the sexiest for me while aaron is very “feminely” handsome. he sort of reminds me of jang geun suk, the lead man of “he’s beautiful”.jang geun suk once guested at Happy Camp and i found him so GIRLISH. my gay radar tells me he is one. and i suspect aaron is one too.

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