娛樂百分百 2012-05-04 百分百專題報導

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95 thoughts on “娛樂百分百 2012-05-04 百分百專題報導

  1. Hey ~ Congratulations to 100% Entertainment that they celebrating 15 years and it’s already 5,000 episodes from now.. Woah ~

    I’m a fan of this show since July 2009 because of 2 notorious hosts Show Luo & Alien Huang and then their only lady host Butterfly Sister.. I’m always to be connected evry night without this.. :))

  2. this is gonna sound so geeky, but one of my life dreams is to go to ba da station and get ALL the asos yu bai vids, even if i have to pay a bomb for it lol. especially from when they started to about 2004, its so difficult to find them online

      • 這是娛百, 不是兒童節目……. 以前娛百高收視率的時候 是因為ASOS沒有偶像包袱,  可以什麼都聊 跟小豬一樣,  so obviously 以前ASOS 跟小豬的娛百 超級好看…..  現在的娛百 只有豬鬼配還okay… 其他的combo 都沒有以前的娛百好看.  

  3. 看了這一集, 覺得好開心喔! 🙂 小豬哥哥, 蝴蝶姐姐, 你們說的唷~! 下5000集見! 我愛娛樂百分百! <3

  4. 蝴蝶的加入,真的覺得不怎麼樣。沒有特色,不好笑,不會說話,也真的太笨了。。。

      •  蝴蝶有偶像包袱 這不願意做那不願意做, ASOS超級會扮醜, and also be classy, 就光這點就可以暴露 蝴蝶is useless

          • Just becuz hudie is a 姐姐, she cannot 扮醜 meh? Its just her 偶像包袱, actually shes not even a 偶像.. Its just her 包袱. If 姐姐 cannot do this cannot do that, then come 百分百 host for what? She shd just return to her kids! No 梗 at all._.

          • Everyone has fifferent position or double position!Moreover,everyone has a chance to try different to try!

          • 你以為製作人不知道蝴蝶有姐姐的身份嗎?但製作人還是請她加入當主持呀,也有叫她扮這扮那的呀,她也有演好她的角色呀。妳可以不喜歡她,但不應否定別人的努力。

          • 你從頭到尾都在否定她

            不然就別看  自己選吧老人家去洗洗睡了啦

          • 因為她太沒有特色了, 不扮醜贏笑點, 她就根本沒有存在性. 不要再浪費我的時間跟一群小孩子瞎耗了, 再見

        • 是吗?那Dancing Queen和 

          • 因為她太不紅了, 通告超少, 所以來當主持人, 豬鬼不在的話他隨時可以來啊:D 蝴蝶只是代替品^^

          • Dancing Queen 和 驚啥妹, 那叫扮醜?? 不要開玩笑了, 如果那也叫扮醜, 全世界都會扮醜囉:) 要說扮醜, 她還差的遠咧~ 要不要看看以前的ASOS是怎麼扮醜的啊? 喔我忘了, 你是”姐姐”的忠實粉絲歐, 那代表, ASOS主持的時候, 你應該都還沒出生吧?

          • 蝴蝶是蝴蝶,asos是asos, 她們都是不同的人,當然有不同的主持方式呀,如果她學她們,也會有人說蝴蝶沒有風格,只會抄,不是嗎?

          • 那你可以幫我解答一下, 她的主持到底哪裡有風格了?? 在一旁只會哈哈大笑, 來賓模仿的時候一直喊好像喔好像哦(就算有多不像), 這就是她的風格?? 我看娛樂節目看這麼多年, 她還是第一個讓我覺得一點都不誠懇, 一點都不真實的主持人! 她讓我覺得每個主持人都愛說謊話, 把來賓捧上天是唯一的目標! 雖然主持人本來就要贊美來賓, 但她掩飾謊話也掩飾的太爛了吧! 都不做做功課, 觀察別的藝人, 只要有人模仿她就只會說好像哦好像哦, 這叫風格?!

          • 你一个人说那么多话,回那么多个人累不累?

          •  你說的對 風格當然不一樣, 所以說ASOS比蝴蝶有名太多了, enough said. 

          • 如果觀眾不能評論, 那做節目幹嘛? 不如回家睡覺好了! 長大點再來找我說吧, 我不要

          • 你当然可以comment,我何时说你不可以?

          • *sigh* some of what they say is true…Hudie’s personality as children’s program host really restricts what she does on the show. It’s such a shame.
            She can’t talk about anything that is too “over”. It’s like when xiao zhu or xiao gui start talking about A stuff at the climatic point waiting for hudie to say something, and then the temperature drops to zero cause she can’t =.=ll
            It’s true that yubai has lost some of its entertainment..ness xD
            *been watching too much of the old yubai*
            It’s been a year and I kept trying to get used to her and her voice(ok not her fault, but it really grates on my ears xD)….I was never successful..LOL such a fail…
            Maybe it’s cause I’m used to the REAL 经典 yubai…
            ASOS+xiao zhu and zhugui
            什么鱼白三宝, 铁三角 以前哪有。。。that slogan is only for people to accept hudie better =.=

          • How long has yubai been, you want things that are too”over” to have as entertainment? Even if it’s not for the host, THE PRODUCTION TEAM OF YUBAI would also want to win an award at least, stop living in the past, things change.

          • Yeah, a change that’s not for the better.xD HAHA
             I really try to keep watching yubai though…It’s a habit/routine ^-^ but my watching of it has cut down in nearly half cause of her hosting =.=ll  *抓狂*
            and wait, are you asking how long yubai has been? or are you asking me if i want things that are too “over”?..btw I put them in quotations in my last comment beause it’s what seems over to the younger audiences, but not for me LOL
            Well as for the level of entertainment, it depends on every person i guess. Some love hudie’s cutesiness, voice, and reactions while some think it’s anonoying *shrug*
            Oh wait I just had an epiphany that it’s her fans and 猪蝶 fans that are affecting my views on her O.O HAHA too late now xD

          • Yeah, agree somehow. 豬蝶fans are so over._. They were the ones that made me start to dislike hudie

        • 是吗?那Dancing Queen和 

        • 其實每個主持有唔同特色吧~要有梗和笑點不一定要扮醜吧~

          •  你才是低能吧, 小S > 蝴蝶 不管是裡到外 ALL DAY,

      •  if u were a fan since asos were hosting it, then u would understand where he was coming from, 蝴蝶is really useless, 努力不代表100%會成功, ASOS 在 娛百是超級精典

          • She’s on tv, we’re the audience, if we cannot comment on her, who else? If we cannot comment on her , ask ur beloved jiejie to get the fk off the tv! Ask her to bring her ass home to let her family comment on her!

          • Im not watching this show becuz of hudie, Im watching it for XG, why cant i watch it? She’s not the only host here eh? Why wud i stop watching this show just becuz of a 沒梗 host?

          • Im not talking, kid! Grow up already:) Hudie wud be so sad if she knows that her beloved Small kids fans are using “fk” awww~):

          • How old are you? Im typing, not talking, u cant even differentiate between these two? Oh my i’ve been spending my time communicating with some kids that dont even understand english well.__. ah well, bye! Not going to waste my time further on kids! 🙂

          • Ehh, shut the fuck uP lah . You don’t like still watch for what? You so pro you go host lah . I want to see how funny you are. Hu die got the potential to become a host , you leh ? Got or not ? Can’t even go on tv. If you watching for the stake of XG then wait for his turn then on tv lah . Don’t at here Kbkp. She not funny you funny isit ?? She just come to host this show not long ago, you can’t expect her to become like wow a pro all of a.sudden right ? Shes improving from what I see. So just stfu and watch . If not , just turn on to other channel and watchz as simple as that .

          • Why? Did you WANT me to start insulting you? LOL xD

          • LOL? Seriously, this comment is so useless that i want to reply but dont know what to say even ==

        •  You’re not reading the above comment carefully, well people with bad temper can’t interpret things calmly I guess

          •  那你就是一個看不清事實 活在夢裡面的低能兒, 

          • 看不清事实的是你 活在过去醒不来

  5. ASOS+xiao zhu and zhugui are CLASSIC!
    Feels like xiao gui shoujld be here for this special day…Too bad
    I was just rewatching  the old yubai a month ago and was at 2000+
    Then I watched this episode and was like “T-T Time sure flies”

    • where u watch all the old episode, they got all the old episode from the moment xiao zhu host ar? is it tudou or ? i will appreciate if u can giv mi the link thanks

  6. I think ASOS really made 娛樂百分百!! I love watching the old Xiao Zhu and Xiao Gui… they looked so young and adorable :3 ZhuGuiDie forever!!! But I really want ZhuGui… they haven’t host together for so long 🙁

    • you have to click the “variety show” at the top of the homepage.
      then search for  娛樂百分百 and click into it.
      there you go =)

    • 以前小S跟小豬的娛百真的是百看不厭的﹐ 每一集都有超多笑點﹐ 尤其是Live。  最重要的是他們倆敢互虧﹐ 但點到即止﹐ 不會過火。  而且小S搞笑之餘若小豬玩梗玩太長她會幫他拉回來。  少了小S後﹐ 小鬼蝴蝶不敢虧小豬也不敢跟他唱反調﹐ 也就少了笑點。

  7. 今天的專題報導很有意義,5千集真的不容易。。。希望娛樂百分百能永遠繼續下去,當然主持人一定要是豬鬼蝶哦!^^

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